debian-user Mar 2002 by thread
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- Re: Retry.. no more crybaby bs Timothy R. Butler
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Geordie Birch
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Paul Smith
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Joey Hess
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on dman
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Jeff
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on dman
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Manoj Srivastava
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Carel Fellinger
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Harry Putnam
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Manoj Srivastava
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Harry Putnam
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Manoj Srivastava
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Harry Putnam
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Corrin Lakeland
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Simon Hepburn
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Corrin Lakeland
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Harry Putnam
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Manoj Srivastava
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Osamu Aoki
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Petro
- Re: Enough time wasted, moving on Harry Putnam
- Re: OT: scsi vs ide: some data Sean
- Re: Fresh install no network Chris Jenks
- Re: CUPS: Parallel port busy; will retry in 30 seconds... DvB
- Network install of woody or sid via potato (was Re: Enough time wasted, moving on) Geordie Birch
- re: question about ifup and ifconfig Ren Weili
- Re: x-forwarding with ssh Nick Wright
- Re: apt logs Larry Holish
- Help!!! undelete for ext3fs!!! Cheryl Homiak
- Re: Exim config question Bob Thibodeau
- no mouse in console Harry Putnam
- The battle for mbr (lilo) Harry Putnam
- No KDE for me Harry Putnam
- Why Debian? Johan van der Walt
- dpkg - the letter prefixes.. what do they mean Harry Putnam
- Re: debian-user-digest Digest V102 #515 Oliver Doepner
- Re: why boot using floppy is very slow? Cameron Kerr
- Re: question about Acrobat Karsten M. Self
- Re: CorelDRAW replacement Cameron Kerr
- Re: backup with tar Karsten M. Self
- top for kernel O Polite
- Re: Mtools questions. Karsten M. Self
- Linux server for work but don't know how? Alan & Kerry Shrimpton
- Re: /tmp size Karsten M. Self
- Re: Another update on "The Kernel that Wouldn't Boot" Pietro Cagnoni
- test filter??????????????????????????? Eric . He
- Re: postgres 7.1 (woody) - how to stop debugging Oliver Elphick
- Bug in apt-get dist-upgrade or is it me? Patrick Kirk
- Printing question Alan & Kerry Shrimpton
- Flash Player doesn't work. debian-user
- FQDN foobar Robert Waldner
- Re: security vs. potato? Alexander Steinert
- web-based email for debian? will trillich
- Re: libapache-mod-ssl Miquel van Smoorenburg
- anacron Christian Schoenebeck
- Re: resource for woody freeze status? Josip Rodin
- RE: Network install of woody or sid via potato (was Re: Enough ti me wasted, moving on) McGillan, Patrick
- Sharing .deb cache via nfs Danie Roux
- IPMasq disturbing Fetchmail? joe user
- Sound: Sawfish-yes, Gnome-no August Logan Bear Jr.
- Re: Apache fails to ExecCGI properly Daniel Whelan
- fetchmail? screwed up Sam Rosenfeld
- modem/pppd troubles martin f krafft
- Remove ME Fackrell, Jason
- Xf864 config, and LCD flat panel dispalys? stan
- Xhost + not working Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
- Where do the plugins for galeon live? stan
- Re: YaOOQ (Yet another Open Office Question) Joachim Trinkwitz
- funcard eeprom David Gardi
- www forward with bind Sebastiaan
- Re: SiS 6263 PCI card setup Emil Pedersen
- Xfree86-4.1 no compose key possible Armin Wegner
- POSGRADOS Instituto de Calidad Industrial
- what's the version of XFree86 in Woody? debian debian
- Howto create a custom-kernel Debian ISO? Pontus Edvardsson
- Re: exim and printer answers Carel Fellinger
- [±¤°í] Á¾·®Á¦ ºÀÅõ Àý¾àÇü ¾ÐÃྲ·¹±âÅë ¼Ò°³ magicpw
- Re: any disk browser? Per Ulv
- Help ! XFree problem : no screens found Axel Minck
- Re: Debian dman
- 100dpi vs 75dpi sizes Gary Hennigan
- Re: How To: Use DE-528CT or DFE-530TX+ Shyamal Prasad
- Avoid booting direct to X.. I want my starx back Harry Putnam
- date '+%a %b %e %Y' does not work from within crontab. Shaul Karl
- some problems with gnome Raphaël Scateni
- RE: Why Debian (HELP!!!) Kurc, Marcin A.
- 3d with nvidia Shri Shrikumar
- mountd: forcing static port Timo --Blazko-- Boewing
- X problem - unwanted logout after 20 min Martin Hermanowski
- Troubleshooting method techlists
- Re: AutoCAD (or similar) for Debian/Linux? Greg C. Madden
- Sound Woes Ray Raddatz
- ssh and private resources? Michael A. Miller
- Re: 2.2r5 Kernel Module Install Failure dman
- Re: Help with missing /boot/boot.b Mark S. Reglewski
- Re: Installing kernel-image-2.4.17-k7 Manoj Srivastava
- woody reiserfs Dmitry V. Petrovsky
- Re: Unable to Ping NT boxes Kent West
- Java not working in Galeon/Mozilla Patrick Kirk
- Re: hardware quote comments? Faheem Mitha
- Open Office on Woody? Curtis Vaughan
- Test Matthew Daubenspeck
- <Possible follow-ups>
- networking problems withe Linksys router Chris Jenks
- libglib1.3-12 (or new libkmid) Michel Loos
- Re: using Woody vs testing Timothy R. Butler
- Re: Strange Problem accessing Web Sites Timothy R. Butler
- The Continuing Saga of the Kernel that Now Boots, but doesn't Work Timothy R. Butler
- Nautilus broke? Arthur H. Johnson II
- exim max emails? Lance Hoffmeyer
- Root symlink to /boot/vmlinuz Craig Dickson
- docbook-mathml sbt
- OT: [Fwd: The Original SSSCA] Michael P. Soulier
- Re: Recent upgrade killed my laptop keyboard Osamu Aoki
- php3 + recent security patch debs Joseph Maher
- Re: flashplayer Paul 'Baloo' Johnson
- WAY OT: Tech school? Jeff J.
- WodPerfect Office 2000 on Debian Phillip Deackes
- Re: about terminals: backspace <-> del jan
- Terminfo and emacs Harry Putnam
- ALT and CTRL won't work in X Jan Tammen
- /etc/security/limits.conf Greg Murphy
- cdrecord + ide cdrw David Richards
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