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Re: Avoid booting direct to X.. I want my starx back

Chris Jenks <rattis@dhol.org> writes:


> I've noticed that it will take a couple of hours to get this to you, but...
> what your looking for is .xsession or the .xinitrc

Mark Zimmerman <mark@foresthaven.com> writes:


> One (of several) ways to do this is (as root):
> update-alternatives --config x-window-manager
> You will be presented with a list of alternatives that are currently
> installed on your system. Pick one.
> If the one you want isn't there, install it and run update-
> alternatives again.
> This will set the system default. Individual users can override this
> by writing a .xsession file.

k l u r t <klurt@3phase.org> writes:


> it can be set in your home directory's .xsession file
> echo "exec gnome" > ~/.xsession
> ...now you can startx and gnome will be your window manager.

Bob Thibodeau <mrbob@channel1.com> writes:


> startx looks for ~/.xinitrc
> you can set up your options there 
> you probably have a system-wide xinitrc that calls kde

More good help.. thanks again.  Its kind of coming back a little now
seeing the postings here.  I've been doing upgrades but maintaining a
set of configs for a couple of years now and  haven't had to really
fuss with X stuff too much.  I've been able to put my rc files aside
and just plop them back in many times.

I caught hell when redhats defaut window manager changed from fvwm2 to
gnome a couple of years ago.  At first I cursed them for having made
the change, and hated gnome.  But if any of you have ever messed with
the acres of config involved with fvwm, it was really a blessing. 

Just now trying to follow the maze of sourced variables and directeries
with a gob of scritps in them uner /etc/X11  I never really did see
what is calling kde.  But I can set it as described above to over ride
what ever is happine in that  maze.

You need a road map to follow all the twists and turns in there.

I noticed at the default debian login (gnome) that the mouse is really
sluggish.  I know how to set it with xset m and of course once inside
the session with the control panel settings.  But to speed up the
sloth at the actual login probably needs to be put into xintrc.

Is it just a staight command in there like:
xset m 2 14   or the like?

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