debian-amd64 Jun 2005 by thread
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Re: i need a pdf creator Adam Stiles
Re: nVidia drivers avishai
System locking up with hard disk activity Koen Tavernier
libzipios++ cause wesnoth crash moi 1392
Re: VIA K8T800 / VIA 8237 mainboard John Belmonte
Re: X dislikes int10 on amd64? Helge Hafting
revisit Prob with nvidia and X11 on pure64bit Dan Cherry
[solved in 1013] Asus A8V Deluxe, Xfree display problems with BIOS 1011 Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
No loop devices rainer herrendoerfer
Are there jigdo-images for sarge amd64? Linux-Versand
Alpha version of 64 Studio released for download Daniel James
Strange KDE Problem Graham Smith
archives? Mark Nipper
apt problem - unupgradeable packages? Miroslav Maiksnar
MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum Carrick Detweiler
Pine Jose Luis Iguain
gcc version issue trying to install vmware5 Rupert Heesom
Debian AMD64 Sarge released Joerg Jaspert
source.list, openoffice Attila Kocsis
can't build nvidia kernel driver avishai
Problem updating Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
Addition for the chroot howto Charles de Miramon
libs: deleted ?? Hans
Rescue CD wanted: 2.6.10, SATA and XFS Thomas Steffen
ndiswrapper inprocomm Lasse Bombien
Re: Asunto: Re: ndiswrapper inprocomm sonic_th
Bootsector not writable? Andre Timmermann
e2800+ smartphone DR GAVIN SEDDON
kernel and x86_64 arch Vanuxem Grégory
POSIX RW locks (pthread_rwlock_wrlock) issues on amd64/sarge 64bit. Karel Gardas
Gnome broken in Sid? Pete
kernel 2.4 for opteron? hubert depesz lubaczewski
failed to install a chroot environment Martin Kuball
Where are the nvidia Drivers? Rafael Steiner
Installing Oracle? Thomas Steffen
Re: [PATCH] add amd64 to release-notes Frans Pop
#298152: checkinstall: incorrectly sets Arch:x86_64 for .deb under amd64 Andrew Lau
MySQL cannot stop Marcin Dębicki
lots of probs with SF Azureus Rupert Heesom
sarge-amd64-netinst.iso R. de Vroede
GET CD AND DOWNLOADS, all software under $99-$15 Antony
dpkg-source and Flavio's fglrx Ludovic watteaux
PATA System Slowdown John Baab binaries for amd64 Christian Schaefer
The non-free binary archive is *empty* Adam Majer
libc6 packages not in gcc4 "Packages" list Pavel Jurus
Ndiswrapper v0n0
Kernel 2.6.3-1 issue with Debian sarge upgrade (32 bit i386) valentin_nils
a problem with ed2k-gtk-gui daniele
Problems with TwinView sonic_th
K8 Mainboard compatibility list - Add MSI K8N Neo4-F james
Missing binaries of GNOME 2.10 and Xfce 4.2 james
[ AMD64 CDs and DVDs released] Steve McIntyre
what is the status of kde 3.4 in experimental? Kenan Esau
Successful install, but no boot J.A. de Vries
- Re: Successful install, but no boot Goswin von Brederlow
- Re: Successful install, but no boot J.A. de Vries
- Re: Successful install, but no boot Clive Menzies
- Re: Successful install, but no boot J.A. de Vries
- Re: Successful install, but no boot Markus Brinkmann
- Re: Successful install, but no boot J.A. de Vries
- Re: Re: Successful install, but no boot Bob Isaac
- Re: Re: Successful install, but no boot J.A. de Vries
- Re: Successful install, but no boot J.A. de Vries
- Re: Successful install, but no boot Nathan Dragun
- Re: Successful install, but no boot J.A. de Vries
- Re: Successful install, but no boot Mahesh T. Pai
- Re: Successful install, but no boot J.A. de Vries
- Re: Successful install, but no boot Mahesh T. Pai
- Re: Successful install, but no boot Niklas Ögren
- Re: Successful install, but no boot Mahesh T. Pai
- Re: Successful install, but no boot Adam Stiles
- Re: Successful install, but no boot Lennart Sorensen
CPU speed/freq antonio giulio
dchroot -d doesn't work Marcin Dębicki
smb mounted shares under chroot Takis Diakoumis
fam problems Graham Smith
security support Pavel Jurus
mainboard list Uwe
R8169 speed problem Uwe
Installer dies during local network installation Andreas Klein
raid management for linux amd64 Filippo Giunchedi
Now that I have working box, any problems with LVM? J.A. de Vries
Need some help with MD raid1 or h/w prob Rupert Heesom
mkinitrd problem ivelasco
poor gcc-4.0 performance Andrei Mikhailovsky
dependency problems base-files, libc6 .
base system installation error jrollins
3.1, megaraid2 install cd John Madden
random system hang Charles Leggett
new mirror: Ilya Ovchinnikov
koffice 1.4 Wolfgang Mader
sk98lin doesn't work on EM64T Sebastian Haase
Build gcc4 on sarge/amd64 failed Dominik Epple
The last update was on 01:38 GMT Sun Jun 09. There are 811 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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