debian-user Jul 2002 by thread
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Using krb5 to authenticate users Thanasis Kinias
Re: upgrading from Potato to Woody, was Glib Question Elaine Tsiang
Re: capture parallel data Nicos Gollan
OpenOffice Question Larry Smith
Re: How to setup IP Masquerading client David Roundy
Re: Solved: How to get the ALSA driver to start at boot? Ivo Wever
Automatic dist-upgrade for security update Jean-Michel Besnard
modem problem VETSEL Patrice
trafic analyze d_rob
Console login prompt & other basics Venkatesh, PC
Configuring a NIC Phil
Re: Configuring a NIC Nick Traxler
<Possible follow-ups>
Configuring a NIC Phil
Question Petar
Gnome2 and apt-proxy Kees de Bruin
Question about dialup internet connection Paul E Condon
Re: Debian on Cobalt Qube Florian Lohoff
Re: apt-get? non stable debs? Mike Egglestone
apt-get dpkg question Rodney D. Myers
apt-get not printing held back pkgs DvB
Floppy Image to Install Matthew Tedder
should I try ext3 filesystems even though barely documented? Dan Jacobson
Re: Modules autloading and cleaning Marc Wilson
Motherboard Bob Hilliard
kill zonbie process without reboot? Patrick Hsieh
ipsec installed? curtis
how can I check if modprobe worked? Phil
Where does /cgi-bin/ belong? Gary Turner
电脑配件惊爆抢购价 debian-user culture
simulpic upstream maintainer Deva Seetharam
Mozilla 1.0 Oki DZ
Particular fetchmail setup Erik van der Meulen
Re: [Re: simulpic upstream maintainer] Deva Seetharam
start script LRoland
Could not init font path element unix/:-1 Barry Michels
Linux games Paul Johnson
My Swap partition never get used ThanhVu Nguyen
Re: Making a bootable rescue CD from a rescue floppy disk paul
Re: Dual boot win98 w/ 2 hard drives paul
bugzilla doesn't send email with postfix? Patrick Hsieh
sid upgrade vs. sawfish Baan Zoltan
Rescue fails: can't edit fstab (I/O failure) Anthony Campbell
samba printer permissions problem martin f krafft
Apache in Woody?! Lippai Gergo
Problems building KDE documentation in unstable Viktor Rosenfeld
Re: Sambaa (FIXED) Jeremy Turner
Any way to recover files after partition corruption? Anthony Campbell
tunneled ssh connection is constantly dropped Timo Benk
manpages for pthread library? Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
No network access after upgrading dhcpcd Daniel Toffetti
Live CD with debootstrap and mkinitrd-cd Juergen Fiedler
Re: Minimum HD space - one more tip. Dave Price
Error messages (and all the other stuff) from "make html_docs" for OTB Sivea Key
last try: still trying to make an emergency rescue floppy vanillicat
Memory Matthew Daubenspeck
PS/2 mouse no longer detected after upgrade Evgeny Stukalov
apache2 upgrade: is it easy? Craig Dickson
CUPS: default printers, and Canon drivers Hugo van der Merwe
sound and network on new kernel Matt Wozniski
apt-get, get-apt, synaptic, aptitude, spastic... Dan Jacobson
Grub and win98 boot record Scott Henson
CUPS & GIMP-print driver Paul Miller
MTA with automatic per user bcc support? Victor Julien
Re: Getting Woody Harold Bibik
Re: Has some worked on a system to test performance of NAS/XFS file system ? Geoffrey Peck
bash/sed script help needed Lance Hoffmeyer
database backup ??? Michael D. Schleif
openssh sshd user vs. group ??? Michael D. Schleif
Apache 1.3 conf for ssi Gary Turner
confused about non-us cd's Palladium
blew away /var/lib/apt/lists/ again Dan Jacobson
nmap little sense if run on yourself? Dan Jacobson stable/updates but for woody? Dan Jacobson
iptables syslog mumbojumbo key? Dan Jacobson
Exim and amavis Paul Johnson
Portforwarding Piet Knoester
Virtual interfaces Paul Johnson
Woody courier imap shared folder problems Crispin Wellington
Operational, finally! sort of... Barry Michels
Log analyser for apache Paul Johnson
"id" and "id <account>" output not identical Patrick Hsieh
diald + pppd with isdncapi plugin martin f krafft
ethertap (+ diald) martin f krafft
/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h:36: linux/limits.h: Permission denied Manuel Bilderbeek
Debian-Installation with USB-CDROM-Drive Schoppitsch Dieter
Have to start dhcpcd manually since upgrade Cheryl Homiak
dhcpd config to span subnets question Bill Bell
x-font-server and gnome2 counter punch
xf86/bs/delete just checking Alice M. Pinard
Re: proxy filtering Rob Weir
Re: Did my image burn fail? Rob Weir
Re: Start-up screen for Gnome Rob Weir
working supermount patch for 2.4.18? Roach, Mark R.
Error installing C reference for KDevelop Daniel Toffetti
help choosing kernel modules during installation Armenteros Roberto
chroot and passwd/group ?! userids lookup does not work!! Leif Hanack
best forum software? Mike Egglestone
subscribe Dan Hunt
keyboard customizations G. L. `Griz' Inabnit
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