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Re: iptables syslog mumbojumbo key?

* Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder (avbidder@fortytwo.ch) [020703 02:13]:
> On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 07:49, Dan Jacobson wrote:
> > So where is the page that tells us what all the iptables mumbojumbo in
> > syslog means?
> > MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=90 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00
> > TTL=249 ID=60171 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=25 DPT=61157 WINDOW=10136 RES=0x00
> Dunno about any docs - but you can figure out much of it if you're
> familiar with IP and TCP packets. Here's what I know or guess:
> MAC: (ethernet) MAC address of source and dest (but this has an unusual
> format, dunno why: 00:50:ba:7b:4a:1f:00:30:19:73:09:54:08:00 - not sure
> how to decode this. source and destination MAC are in there, for sure,
> but there are 2 bytes more.
> SRC, DST: source, dest IP address
> LEN: length of the packet. Not sure, but I think this'd be the length of
> the IP packet.
> TOS: TOS field of the IP packet. Unused on most networks, btw, so
> anything but 0 would be strange.
> PREC: ???

Precedence. It's also a routing optimization thing, afaik.

> TTL: Time to Live (hop count) of the IP Package
> ID, DF?

IP Packet ID number, followed by IP flags. DF is the "don't fragment"
bit, set when using P-MTU discovery. Others you might see are CE and MF.
CE means "congestion experienced", used in ECN. MF means "more
fragments", indicating that this is packet is part of a fragmented

> PROTO: the protocol fiel of the IP header. Usually TCP, UDP or ICMP.
> SPT, DPT: source and destination TCP (or UDP) port.
> WINDOW: not sure. Must be related to the TCP windowing algorithm.
> RES: ?

TCP's reserved bits. ECN would show up here.

> ACK, PSH, FIN: read what the various TCP flags are. SYN also may appear
> here.

and RST.

> URGP: TCP may transport 'urgent' (out of band) data, this is indicated
> with the URGP


good times,

"Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes." -E.W. Dijkstra

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