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Re: MTA with automatic per user bcc support?

* Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder (avbidder@fortytwo.ch) [020703 02:17]:
> On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 10:27, Victor Julien wrote:
> > 2. when john sends an email i want to be able to have the message
> > automaticly bcc-ed to e.g. johnsmanager@foo.com or to
> > johnshomeaddress@home.com. In our old mailserver this is an option
> > called 'bcc out'.
> How does the system see when john sends an email? From: address, or
> envelope sender? Administrators have to keep in mind that both can be
> easily forged (both directions - others claiming to be john, and john
> claiming not to be john).

This could be limited somewhat by making use of SMTP AUTH, but I agree
with you. Like dman said, mail goes in and out of a mail server. Your
users can put in pretty much anything they want. (Thankfully relay
controls exist so that not just anyone can put in whatever they want.)

Of course, in most businesses not employing subversive geeks, it's not a
worry. It's nice to be in the situation where you can trust your users
simply because they don't know any better. >:-)

If they don't know how to set their "from" address in Outhouse (I mean,
of course, their MUA of "choice" (like they know they even have one!))
then it can be easily accomplished the way the exim faq says so.

> Also (but you can get around this somewhat by using firewalls) users
> generally are not forced to use this mail server for sending mail.

Especially when on the road or from home. Then even the firewall won't
be any help.

good times,
"Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes." -E.W. Dijkstra

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