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Re: keyboard customizations

* G. L. `Griz' Inabnit (griz@outcast-consultants.redmond.or.us) [020703 10:52]:
> Hey All! (hope yer day is grand!),
> 	Got a situation. :--)
> 	Building a machine for a writter friend of mine who uses some very
> customized keyboards. But, with the amount/volumn of 'product' that he
> produces, it must work for him! Anyway, below is a direct quote from him to
> consider while ask my question further on:
> >
> > One thing I hope you or I can do: I used to be able to set functions on the
> > keys I wanted, and put SAVE ALL on the keypad "Enter" key, which is
> > different from the regular "Enter" key.  But Microshaft balked that by
> > refusing to recognize it was a distinct key, and others have slavishly
> > followed its arrogant lead.   I used to save automatically by hitting that
> > key with my right little finger. I WANT IT BACK.  So far Linux hasn't given
> > it to me, but I'm hoping the future holds better.
> 	To date "I" have never customized a keyboard for specific uses/users.
> Although I KNOW that my O/S if very capable of it. So, MY question is, how do
> I specify a Dvorak keyboard, and then edit the keylist below that.
> 1.	switch to DV2

Others have mentioned X, but nobody has yet pointed out that the console
can be reconfigured with:

dpkg-reconfigure console-common

You can select from a (huge) number of keymaps. Among them are the
dvorak layouts (2-handed, left-only, and right-only).

> 2.	customize specific keys for specific tasks.

This can be done on the console easily as well. loadkeys is the tool.
(It's part of the console-tools package). You can create your own
keymaps with something like this:

keycode 88 = F12
string F12 = "emacs "

(Example taken from the keyboard and console howto.)

Again, there's no universal "save all" command, but using this, he can
map keys to the commands in his favorite editor.

good times,
"Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes." -E.W. Dijkstra

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