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working supermount patch for 2.4.18?

I have looked in a number of places for a supermount patch that works on
the debian provided 2.4.18 kernel source tree. And the place that I seem
to keep coming back to is

Has anyone successfully used this(these) patch(es)? I tried applying
just the supermount patch and it wants to patch against a direectory
named "s" (I linked "s" to my kernel source dir) and the compile fails
with missing functions.

I am wondering if I need to add all of the patches, or just some of
them, and just wanted to see if anybody has experience with this. I
would like to avoid patching any more than is absolutely necessary. 

I have heard that supermount is going to be added to the linus kernel at
some point in 2.5, does anyone know if this is the case?


Mark Roach

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