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Re: sid upgrade vs. sawfish

Hi all,

* Derrick 'dman' Hudson <dman@dman.ddts.net> [020703 00:08]:
> On Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 11:34:45AM +0200, Baan Zoltan wrote:
> | 
> | Last night i did an apt-get upgrade on my sid box, and it upgraded my
> | sawfish packages. Now i can't see sawfish as a window manager, nor
> | sawfish settings in my gnome-control-center.
> | 
> | Any idea?
> The new sawfish isn't in the gnome-cc anymore.  I don't know why, but
> it looks like a code/feature change.  Are you still using the gnome1
> control center?  If so, simply go to the window manager tab and add
> sawfish to the list (name: <whatever you want>  command: sawfish
> config-command: sawfish-ui).  To configure sawfish, run sawfish-ui.
> I suppose sawfish' config would be in the new control center, but
> sawfish is the only part of the new gnome that I've been able to run.

Thanks, with this info in hand I upgraded my box. I have however
found one annoying thing, I can't popup menus in the root window.

I run sawfish-ui:

click "Bindings", select "Root window" then add

Button3-Click  Popup root menu
Button2-Click  Popup apps menu
Button1-Click  Popup window list

sawfish-ui seems happy enough with these settings, but when I perform
the actions I've define, nothing happens.

As a sanity check I tried:

Button1-Click  Xmms main volume dec: 5 

This worked fine.

So has anyone else experienced this? Found a solution?



Debian 3.0
Linux onefish 2.4.18-lavienx #1 Tue Jun 25 19:07:48 EST 2002
i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux

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