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Using krb5 to authenticate users


Our uni network uses afs and krb5 for "one-source" userids and home
directories, and I'm trying to get a new powerpc/woody box to use this.
OpenAFS is working fine, and if you klog as a user the kerberos servers
know you get the right AFS perms.  However, I can't get login or ssh to
use it for user authentication.  Here's what I have:

- installed libkrb53, krb5-clients, krb5-config, krb5-doc, krb5-user,

- Used adduser to create /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow entries for user,
  edited /etc/passwd to match uid

- "borrowed" krb5.conf from other box on network (tried several --
  Solaris, RH Linux, IRIX, "generic" provided by admins)

- put lines in /etc/pam.d/login and /etc/pam.d/ssh

Now I can log in as root or using a "local" username, but if I use a
kerberos username I just get "permission denied" via ssh or "login
incorrect" via local login.

My /etc/pam.d/ssh is:



#session optional /lib/security/pam_openafs_session.so

auth       sufficient   pam_krb5.so.1 try_first_pass
auth       required     pam_nologin.so
auth       required     pam_unix.so
auth       required     pam_env.so # [1]

account    sufficient   pam_krb5.so.1 try_first_pass
account    required     pam_unix.so

session    sufficient   pam_krb5.so.1 try_first_pass
session    required     pam_unix.so
session    optional     pam_lastlog.so # [1]
#session    optional     pam_motd.so # [1]
session    optional     pam_mail.so standard noenv # [1]
session    required     pam_limits.so

password   sufficient   pam_krb5.so.1 try_first_pass
password   required     pam_unix.so


My /etc/pam.d/login has the same pam_krb5.so.1 entries.

It appears that no one here knows Debian, and the RH-specific help isn't
much use to me.

I have been unable to find any documentation or HOWTO on setting up
simple krb5-based authentication on a Debian box, something like "you
need these packages, make these changes to the following conf files, add
users like this".  Does such a thing exist?  (I tried #debian a few
times to no avail.)

Any pointers to documentation or suggestions on how to troubleshoot will
be much appreciated.

Please CC me as I am not subscribed.

Many thanks,
Thanasis Kinias
Web Developer, Information Technology
Graduate Student, Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.

Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul

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