chroot and passwd/group ?! userids lookup does not work!!
i have installed a chrooted cvs on an linux machine!
works so fare, except that the fake-passwd and -group files
seems to be not recognized/used.
i have a user <developer> on an linux machine. this users shell
is a smrsh, which i have compiled in order to only allow commands
from a specific location. inside this command-dir i have a
(cvs-)wrapper, that is doing the chroot(). (the wrapper is attached!)
if i commit changes to my cvs repository, e.g. through a wincvs
client, the authors name is not equal with the username of my
user <developer>. instead it is his userid!
i have copied the real passwd, shadow, group and gshadow files to
nevertheless, they seem to be used!
thanks in advance, leif
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