Re: Comments on the new gnome-terminal.
christophe barb? declaimed:
> On Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 05:11:10PM +1000, Nick Hastings wrote:
> >
> > > gnome1 is the past, gnome2 is the future even if right now it's buggy
> > > (but usable).
> >
> > Yep, but what's the present?
> >
> > Nick.
> As I said 'right now it's buggy (but usable)' and seems promising.
> I should add that it doesn't require more ressources.
> Christophe
Well, I figured out to to launch it with Mutt running inside, but I've
hit a gotcha: When I ctrl-click a hyperlink, it wants to launch a new
instance of Mozilla instead of opening a new tab in the current
instance. This is useless, since Mozilla won't launch a new instance
with my profile if it's already running. And since this feature is the
only reason I run gnome-terminal at all, I'd like to figure it out.
There are no man pages, and I've come up empty on the web. Anyone know
where I could find the config files to tinker with? (Or have a different
solution for an easy key-combo to go from hyperlink in a terminal to
Paul Mackinney
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