debian-user Jul 2005 by thread
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friends new install Rodney D. Myers
encrypting the users' folders Dominik Margraf
Разослать для ВАс? Лилия
anyone use cone ? mess-mate
recompile kernel by using debian's source code Khanh Cao Van
iptables related query Yuriy Kuznetsov
keep iptables and route infor when reboot Khanh Cao Van
What file to add command to start at bootime Cao Van Khanh
'ndtpd' won't install .. Adam Bogacki
Re: menu problem Mal Beaton
isp service TedNick
dnscache resolution Al Bayrouni
(SLIGHTLY OT): PC speaker not working with kernel Mark Fletcher
debian based compatible distros Rodney Richison
cantus id3 tagger and renamer Frederico Rodrigues Abraham
gtkpod 0.93.1-1 - not synchronizing Erdi Balint
is there parted for ntfs ? belahcene abdelkader
uninstall PHP5. Prabu Subroto
ntfs access on debian Leonardo Sá
Need help with exim4 SMTP Auth (I think) pecondon
courier-maildrop & mysql support! h2t-nl
PC Card problems Wim Vinckier
Re: php4-mysql Jose A. Perez
nvidia kernel + AMD processor = problems with sound & tv tuner Michael Bonert
Ethereal - Assertion Failed when starting (Sid) Adam Aube
Re: 4x SATA Ports via Marvell Controller etc Chris Bannister
Problem with dselect with Sarge peter
BT848 TV Tuning Problems Rudi Starcevic
install jdk-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin fails with "too many arguments" Randall J. Parr
package conflict using both parallel and usb Hewlett-Packard printers Gayle Lee Fairless
xfce 4.2 Patrick Wiseman
upgraded, now unbootable: lacking a boot-menu.b file? Luke Call
Bootloader produces garbage - reconstructing MBR Haines Brown
sarge and sound Rick Pasotto
how to startx at boot time Khanh Cao Van
smbmount Khanh Cao Van
Re: WDDR would like to exchange links with you valentin_nils
Detailed memory usage Marco Calviani
iptables - no TTL target? Mart Frauenlob
Install Perl modules the Debian way Rakotomandimby Mihamina
can't switch to virtual console
woody->sarge: aptitude cache lock problem Victor Munoz
WHAT the Eff is this??? trevor hamel
ltmodem setup Hans du Plooy
/dev/log michael
Debian Roadmap Hans du Plooy
Re: Starting SA with Procmail John Fleming
Digital signing of printed documents Alphonse Ogulla
does Sarge have a /boot/boot-menu.b file? Luke Call
Newbie: What's the Best Window Manager? Eduardo B. V. Pereira
Re: packet libmyodbc broken in SID? Tim Ruehsen
perl grab /etc/group info memory error michael
[OT] - UPS APC Andrea Ganduglia
Migrating from Windows to Debian - keeping email messages from Outlook Express Dom Delimar
Re: xmms doesn't play streams, complains couldn't connect to host David E. Fox
hostname change Haines Brown
mounting usb devices consistently Edward Kamau
Debian Sound Configuration Leonardo Sá
apt repository for my intranet Israel Garcia
irq 11: nobody cared! Joan Tur
Is Kernel-source-2.6.8 package updated or not? Martin C.
The last update was on 01:39 GMT Mon May 25. There are 4300 messages. Page 1 of 9.
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