debian-laptop Sep 2001 by thread
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Effective Boot Procedure Schoppitsch Dieter
Re: Other mouse buttons on the Tecra 8100(I'm in same trouble on Dynabook Satellite 4260) Kazuhiko Uebayashi
FIFO error Arlen Carlson
Re: how to install NT and Linux on a single large disk ? Benjamin Zhou
Unidentified subject! Karthikayan Balakrishnan
FTP/HTTP install using tulip_cb marc . miller
3Com 3CCFEM556B and Testing Paul C. Nendick
dwl-650 encryption Tom Allison
eth0 sleeping on the job Tom Allison
Modem of notebook hp xe3 Roberto Burceni
a little help for people with ibm thinkpad 600 Bernard=20Rei=DFberg
Thinkpad 365X - can anyone recommend least memory hungry windows and browser Barry Pretsell
Network install over a 3c574? Richard Gaywood
ibm thinkpad i1300 + usb Greg S.
irda-common upgrade problems Andrew Taylor
Sony VAIO Z600TEK harddrive to hot under heavy CPU load? Werner Heuser
Desktop Management Interface - DMI on Linux laptops? Werner Heuser
problem with battery charge on toshiba 100cs Bostjan Muller
wooky->potato Tom Allison
how to make a serial-console linkup? A. Demarteau (linux rules!)
Woody - PCMCIA Ethernet aeleblanc
dell i8k acpi / special keys Philipp Zabel
info: fixed irda-common upgrade to woody Andrew Taylor
Re: info: fixed irda-common upgrade to woody NOKUBI Takatsugu
RayLink (raython) Wireless Access Card Adam Jacob Muller
tecra-kernel crashes on pci-device A. Demarteau (linux rules!)
collection of links to debian-howto's and irc-# Bernard=20Rei=DFberg
Why doesn't 2.2r3 CD boot on Toshiba 4080 XCDT ... Tony Crawford
IrDA.... Tom Allison
pcmcia-cs and configuring network... Hugo van der Merwe
Req. advice on upgrades: kernel, X, libc Scott Bigham
Problems compiling netdrivers Michael Thaler
kernel message Michael Hothorn
Samsung NV5000 Florian Kugler
Wavy Screen using 'Option "Display" "CRT"' on ATI 128 Rage Mobility Daniel Farnsworth Teichert
Kernal Image Eric Borton
IrDA Tom Allison
IR success!(was info: fixed irda-common upgrade to woody) Andrew Taylor
Thinkpad A21m SoundFusion Nicolas SABOURET
3com PCMCIA card recommendation? Randolph S. Kahle
Dell Inspiron 8000 and Geforce2go Jonerik Sjolander
Toshiba CDT740 Glenn Becker
nvidia drivers Jonerik Sjolander
alsa for maestro3/allegro glynis
kernel 2.4.9 doesn't seem to have wvlna_cs driver A. Demarteau (linux rules!)
pcmcia-source version 3.1.28-2 gave error on wireless drivers A. Demarteau (linux rules!)
How to mail (userfriendly)? Schoppitsch Dieter
Fwd: Stand Proud, America! Donnie Jones
AW: How to mail (userfriendly)? Schoppitsch Dieter
tecra X-screen has same small size as virtual console A. Demarteau (linux rules!)
Can't see mouse cursor under X on VAIO Andrew Pollock
dpkg is giving me errors Dave Smith
pb w/ apt-setup, cdrom-based install on c1vp (picturebook) Guillaume Lebleu
tecra8200 buildin card gives errors A. Demarteau (linux rules!)
Getting Connected to the Internet Eric Borton
autoproxy internet Wayne Schneider
toshiba: suspend problems Neil Conway
PCMCIA NIC troubles marc . miller
PCMCIA MODEM Apt-Get Installation Question Rodin Fadul
PCMCIA Modem Apt Get Install Rodin Fadul
PCMCIA modem on WVDIAL Rodin Fadul
Pb. compiling tulip.c Olivier Crouzet
ANN: Linux-Mobile-Guide v3.10 Werner Heuser
IBM 770Z Bob Koss
how to install debian without floppy drive or cdrom-drive bionanou
Killed eth0 by switching from 2.2r2 -> 2.2r3. Don Werve
2.4.9 kernel & pcmcia in Woody Curt Howland
PCMCIA Problems win IBM A20p Frank Petzold
gnome-python 1.41. vs. python-gnome 1.4.1 Michael Hothorn
/usr/src/modules Tom Allison
laptop parts Sunny Dubey
mk2sd.exe for Dell's Inspirion Goran Ristic
Re: Debian 2.2 on Thinkpad A21M Dave Swegen
Re: Debian 2.2 on Thinkpad A21M (DVD playing) Rolf Heckemann
Storm Linux Does anyone know where I can get updates ?? Shane Broomhall
X 4.0.1 problem with a Toshiba laptop Ricardo Diz
Xircom, ISDN and modem... Ricardo Diz
free nVidia drivers with geforce2go Jonerik Sjolander
Trackball Mouse Problems Rodin Fadul
tecra 8200 screen dims (and I didn't do it) A. Demarteau (linux rules!)
does everyon get these? Zprava o doruceni Vaseho mailu (fwd) A. Demarteau (linux rules!)
Asus L8400 with S3 savage: X-problem Andreas Stabaginski
SoundCard Trouble Rodin Fadul
ESS ES1888 AudioDrive Trouble Rodin Fadul
changing drivers Tom Allison
2.4.10 and apm ! jc
Xy Tom Breza
Framebuffer setup for NeoMagic 2160 Gustaf Erikson
Module for ES1888? Rodin Fadul
KDE - "initializing peripherals..." marc . miller
install laptop LAMIRAULT Nicolas
apm death Tom Allison
Best network card for network install? Brian Button
xfree86 on sony vaio C1VP Guillaume Lebleu
ati (mach64) framebuffer Richard Weil
EtherJet on ThinkPad doesn't work with Potato Adam C Powell IV
Re: IBM EtherJet on ThinkPad 600E Adam C Powell IV
TP 590x kernel 2.4.10 i82365 module won't insert Mike Crowe
KDE Tom Allison
[no subject] Crespo, Esteban
PCTel Gernot A. Weber
ALSA Tom Allison
PCMCIA Ethernet failure under 2.4.9 Curt Howland
Install: Compaq LTE 5300 Shawn Koons
Galeon + xterm wierdness Kevin Shanahan
my $HOME went to /home/lost+found/ Why??? Theodore Knab
Oh, gods...any of them sjb
Toshiba Satellite3000 xiaoqiang wang
Fwd: [ltp] alsa module compilation Tom Allison
problem with asus lk8460 and apm Stefano Zacchiroli
Random crashes with testing on IBM T22 Martin Skøtt
The last update was on 11:00 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 446 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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