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Re: /usr/src/modules

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>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Allison <tallison1@twmi.rr.com> writes:
>> How did you get that?

Tom> by unpacking the pcmcia-cs-3.1.29 source code from the pcmcia
Tom> website (non-debian).

Oh.  I see.  That's not quite the Debian Way of doing things.  At least
not if you're using kernel-package.

Tom> There isn't a file by that name.  I tried to remove and reinstall
Tom> the pcmcia-cs stuff and nothing shows up in /usr/src to reflect
Tom> it...

It should be in the pcmcia-source package.

Tom> I thought once long ago I installed 3.1.22 by using the source code
Tom> in /usr/src/pcmcia-cs-3.1.22 and it worked fine.  But that's really
Tom> not the case here.

Maybe you did it without using kernel-package?  Without some fancy
magic, I don't think that kernel-package (a.k.a. make-kpkg) would be
able to find and build it properly.

- -- 
Hubert Chan <hackerhue@geek.com> - http://www.geocities.com/hubertchan/
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