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RE: Install: Compaq LTE 5300

You're in luck!  Check out this URL:

Gnome is bigger, yes, but it's better supported.  I'd recommend Gnome over
FVWM any day.

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Koons [mailto:skoons@famvid.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2001 10:32 AM
To: debian-laptop@lists.debian.org
Subject: Install: Compaq LTE 5300

I am going to install Debian on an old Compaq LTE 5300- P133 w/48Meg 
Ram. I have RH 6.5 on it now but want to switch. (something I have 
wanted to do for a long time...I like what I read about Debian's 
philosophy/goals)  I purchased the "Debian GNU/Linux Bible" which are 
the CDs I will install from. It doesn't have much in the way of laptop 

How can I find out all of the specs, e.g., monitor refresh, sound card, 
etc., so I can install without too much trouble?

With RH, I just used their recommended install for a workstation (if I 
remember right). RH is a little slow because of all the extras that were 
loaded at install.  Is there such an instal package with Debian, but one 
that does not have so many extra programs to slow things down? I am not 
really that familiar with Linux to be able to pick out every program 
that I would need...such a task seems very daunting and time consuming 
(more than I have to spare at this time)

Will I need to make up a special disk to be able to access the pcmcia CD 

Are there any recommendations as to whether I should use FVWM or GNOME? 
I'm thinking that GNOME may take up too many resources, but I use 
pybliographer, which works only on GNOME, or am I mistaken?

Most of what I do is write so I need a text editor, a typesetter (Vim, 
Emacs, and Lyx), and I will need pybliographer. I also need to sync my 
TRG Pro (a palm) and play a few games. I spend a lot of time on the net 
researching things too.

Thank you.


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