debian-user Jul 2014 by thread
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- Re: Replacement for dspam, (continued)
- nvidia-driver disappeared from testing Jonas Lippuner
- Re:%20Re:%20fglrx-driver%20removed%20from%20jessie Dylan Bass
- [HITB-Announce] REMINDER: #HITB2014KUL CFP Deadline: 1st August Hafez Kamal
- IP address of diskless workstation expiriing Darac Marjal
- Twitter-Client wi
- Suspend button greyed out on Xfce on Sid Nate Bargmann
- mutt can't send mail (Interrupted system call) Anthony Baldwin
- NetworkManager/OpenConnect broken on jessie? Mike Kupfer
- Is this safe?? Chrome in Debian 6 Gábor Hársfalvi
- a simple script for restoring downloaded debs songbird
- How to get Skype sound working on Wheezy (7.5, 64bit)? Steve Litt
- mysql re-instate debian-sys-maint user Tony van der Hoff
- Copy machine? Chris
- XP style themes for various DE's in Debian repositories? Richard Owlett
- about update notices Harry Putnam
- Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? The Wanderer
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? Marko Randjelovic
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? The Wanderer
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? The Wanderer
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? The Wanderer
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? The Wanderer
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? The Wanderer
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? The Wanderer
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? The Wanderer
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? The Wanderer
- Re: Pin package to "any version, don't remove"? Joe Pfeiffer
- putty login - running gnu screen causes putty console to shrink Zenaan Harkness
- manual Packages file download? Zenaan Harkness
- Sid Systemd upgrade David Baron
- USB 3 Problem after upgrading to wheezy from 7.5 to 7.6 JN
- Re: Synaptic messed up Andrei POPESCU
- Lost high res desktop settings on vbox upgrade to 4.3.14 Harry Putnam
- Lenny -> Squeeze -> Wheezy; no eth0 on Squeeze reboot Ron Leach
- End of hypocrisy ? Erwan David
- What is this stuff ? Erwan David
- FWIW: the modularization of systemd Joel Rees
- init spawning multiple cf-execd processes at once Jimmy Thrasibule
- unable to access website, getting "502 Bad Gateway" errors Sharon Kimble
- authentification pb after a 'messed up " upgrade [sid] laurent debian
- Re: testing-dedicated ML? ( was Re: End of hypocrisy ? ) Paul E Condon
- Nouveau Resume from Suspend/Hibernate Screen Corruption Dan Sommers
- dmesg: "BLK_EH_NOT_HANDLED" and "Enter sas_scsi_recover_host" basti
- New 64bit installation: Exim4 Send to Root David Baron
- Main Menu Emil Payne
- Is "xhost +si:localuser:root" safe? Vincent Lefevre
- wireless routing broken after recent sid update Paul Scott
- Using the nuoveau driver, Iceweasel crashes. John R Song
- Proper place for pulse-audio configuration George Shuklin
- Iceape and Debian 7.x Bret Busby
- FWIW: script vs. configurtion file Joel Rees
- Latest Jessie doesn't respond to /etc/default/tmpfs "RAMTMP=yes" Rick Thomas
- missing LSB tags and overrides Tony van der Hoff
- How to remove bottom panel in classic mode of gnome 3.12 ? lumin
- kFreeBSD: can't create swap partition berenger . morel
- Squeeze Soft Lockup on ESXi 5.1 Martin Seener
- /var partition seems locked or read only berenger . morel
- exact name of headers for 3.14-1-486 Harry Putnam
- Special hotkeys for Openbox and LXDE users Steve Litt
- New 64bit Installation. Root partition too small--what to do? David Baron
- this is a test mail, please ignore. Dc G
- inserting kernel modules on startup Gary Dale
The last update was on 10:59 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 1866 messages. Page 3 of 4.
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