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Re: Sid Systemd upgrade

Le 21/07/2014 21:33, Joe a écrit :
> On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:00:01 -0400
> Tom H <tomh0665@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Miles Fidelman
>> <mfidelman@meetinghouse.net> wrote:
>>> Damn right I don't use development or testing versions in
>>> production.  I'm looking down the road a year and planning what I
>>> will use in production when my current system is ready for upgrade.
>>> It's looking less and less like Debian, and more and more like one
>>> of the BSDs.
>> Maybe time'll prove that a Debian transition to systemd will be a
>> disaster but I doubt it. The DDs, and especially the members of the
>> release team (and I dare say, the systemd team) will ensure that it
>> isn't.
> Let us hope so. Tonight's upgrade to sid requires the removal of
> sysvinit-core...

libpam-systemd 204 depends systemd-sysv|systemd-shim
libpam-systemd 208 depends systemd-sysv

Alternative disappeared (and systemd-sysv conflicts sysvinit-core)

But thta's in testing...

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