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Re: putty login - running gnu screen causes putty console to shrink

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stephen Powell" <zlinuxman@wowway.com>
> Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2014 8:31:42 AM

> That's interesting.  I've never encountered this, as I don't use the
> "screen" package.  If I need multiple terminal sessions, I just launch multiple
> PuTTY sessions.  I guess I don't see the need for screen.  But in any case,
> I don't understand the design of screen.  Why does it need an external
> definition of terminal type characteristics in a configuration file?
> Why doesn't it rely on the terminfo information stored in ncurses?
> In any case, I'm glad you found a solution.

I don't have the details, but I've read recently on some other list...FreeBSD questions probably...that screen does very strange things.  Sorry, I don't know any of the details on exactly what "very strange things" means.  Tmux, http://tmux.sourceforge.net/, was sited as an alternative.  I find it more cumbersome to use, but, unlike screen, I've had zero issues while using it.

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