debian-user Jul 2004 by thread
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Re: L 90 90 90 90 90 Thomas Adam
Re: L 90 90 90 90 90 Nicos Gollan
Re: L 90 90 90 90 90 Monique Y. Mudama
Re: L 90 90 90 90 90 Ritesh Raj Sarraf
Re: L 90 90 90 90 90 David Baron
Apache2/mailman - Scripts Don't Run Kenneth Jacker
apt-get dselect-upgrade Sam Halliday
Highpoint htp374 HD controller install problem Christopher Townson
How are these packets getting created? Jor-el
Kernel 2.6 and sound ymfpci Christoph Sticksel
thrombosis Kristine Little
Unidentified subject! JOHN WALL
home videos to DVD H. S.
error opening /dev/mixer Thomas H. George
Re: disable boot logo from LILO (kernel boot command line)? UndiFineD
backing up to ftp server Vadik
acpid and battery Scetbon Cyril
beep in console Scetbon Cyril
"pon" gives "ttyS overrun" after upgrade rickm
apache2 sends reply for / and redirect for ~<user> (setup Q) Micha Feigin
software suspend in kernel 2.6.7 Lior Kaplan
Re: Changing from testing to unstable. Bob Proulx
set proxy with socks5 to use apt-get dbosz
Copyright/License of Debian Constitution Dwayne C. Litzenberger
kppp problem Tadek
Re: Re: sendmail and procmail , spamassaign Amrita Priyadarsini
problem with invisible/disappearing files - but inodes there invader_zim
downloaded txt.iso file: how to make a bootable cdimage out of it?? steef van duin
what's the diff between 'aptitude upgrade' and 'aptitude dist-upgrade'? cwinl
suspend to disk and sound Scetbon Cyril
Re : L 90 90 90 90 90 Owen Jones
modprobe -v snd-seq-oss freezes (sb live! kernel 2.6.5) Erik Steffl
add install-script to a boot-cd Oliver Braun
how to use Nvidia GeForce4 MX 440 in Woody askar
Compaq Armada 1592DT Sound John Muller
debian kernel: what to do with everything Cheryl Homiak
How do i configure XF86Config-4 for a iD865glc desktop system Eric van Rheenen
Scrolling beeps while playing music. Adam Funk
X crashes on video replay akintayo holder Keith O'Connell
apache2 and amavisd-new Stefan Vunckx
supermount/Iomega ZIP disc change not recognized Francesc Oller
APM and DPMS not working together smjn
Re : L 90 90 90 90 90 Owen Jones
jewel for lcd users Randall Smith
Lilo warning about /dev/mapper/control Bill Moseley
office suite capable of importing/converting applixware aw & ag files? stephen parkinson
kwiki Jan Willem Stumpel
IceWM on Testing Jacob S.
diagram of the debian organisation martin f krafft
which is faster ? ext3, reiserfs, xfs, jfs Alvin Oga
PHP Image Uploader / Viewer Michael B Allen
Mozilla/Firefox "PostScript/default" security problems Reid Priedhorsky
Problem with Lomboz Plugin activation : J2EE plugin Sanjay Chigurupati
I'm too stupid to use find, can someone help me out, please? Joerg Johannes
PHP- getimage size M Suadi-Lonien
How to run the system in a ramdisk after booting from hda ? Michael Alle
vmware packaged as .deb William Ballard
loading TSO firmware for tg3 martin f krafft
Info Reqd on Debian TE 1.08 Vikram
MIMEDefang Notification MIMEDefang
Burning bootable DVDs C. Tresenriter
postfix trusted network Frank Kaldewey
Write access on mounted drives LeRoux van Wyk
pppoa package available? Russell D Cook
xrandr extensions as normal user Pietro
USB newbie needs help Torsten Schrammen
Unable to handle kernel paging request... Luke A. Kanies
Debian Woody login problem wren argetlahm
postscript-enabled mozilla package anyone? Thomas Winischhofer
hacking attempt on Apache? Pim Bliek
Anyone do DV editing (Kino and Cinelerra)? Bill Moseley
Pc Pauses when I transfer files over network or from drive to drive. Thomas G
Re: Contar ficheros con LS u otro comando Luis Arocha
migration of Maildir to new system. Also advice wanted on performance Pim Bliek
New (LAN) web server: do I use stable, testing or unstable? Felix C. Stegerman
Using Linux on a Family PC Felix C. Stegerman
problem upgrading postfix Ryan Torvik
recommendation for digital camera Faheem Mitha
Package question, Woody versus Sarge Mason Loring Bliss
Ugly firefox icon Toshiro
help Sanjay Kaushal
Postfix Install -- /usr/bin/ld: Cannot find -ldb Arthur E. Conrad
Debian Installation -- Kernel Link Failure -- Arthur E. Conrad
NETGEAR MA311 802.11b Wireless PCI Network Adapter Card Rodney D. Myers
Good unicode compatible editors under X * Tong*
tzconfig for Otario Canada * Tong*
DVBStream, Sarge and hostname Aaron Robertson-Hodder
grub problem Rodney Richison
Install of "testing" failing Tim Bates
installing Debian and installing programs Jim Knott
Cannot login or su CN
Hotkeys при русской раскладке в X Сергей Сафонов
planner raja dravid
Re: postscript-enabled mozilla package anyone Jim McCloskey
multiple exim4 processes Vadik
The last update was on 18:57 GMT Tue May 12. There are 4595 messages. Page 2 of 10.
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