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Re: grub problem

rodney@rcrcomputing.com wrote:

I am trying to implement a fallback full backup method for this great proxy-filter for the library.

I used ghost to back it up, just as I used to do with redhat.

Of course, ghost screws up grub. With Redhat, I'd stick the install cd in and at boot
type in Linux Rescue
chroot /mnt/sysimage

Since I used the sarge netinst, I seem to have no rescue cd.  :(
Would someone mind giving me a simply way, on this system, to get grub back?

If you have a floppy drive, make a grub boot floppy. Google around for GRUB boot floppy. They work wonders and
are very flexible.

BTW, in the future, if I'm not dual booting, do I need a boot loader?

Yes you always need some sort of boot loader.

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