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Re: problem with invisible/disappearing files - but inodes there

After a bit of investigation, I have found that a statically linked
version of 'ls' is able to see the files, which suggests a problem with
a library somewhere. The odd thing is, this is just a plain vanilla
install of woody, updated from security.debian.org. I have run
chkrootkit on the machine, and all the libraries look like the right
size. I still don't know what the cause is yet, but at least I have
found something that might help track it down


invader_zim@cia.com.au [invader_zim@cia.com.au] wrote:
> Hi,
> We have an unusual problem with 'invisible' and disappearing files: some files are not
> visible in a directory using 'find' or 'ls' on the directory, yet they
> are visible using tools such as 'debugfs' or if you know the actual name
> of the file, you can use 'ls' to list it explicitly.
> For instance, in the directory:
> /home/stampy/queues/sendsyphonemailqstore/q_dispatch
> you can ls -la it, and find no files:
> stampy:~# ls -la /home/stampy/queues/sendsyphonemailqstore/q_dispatch
> total 8
> drwxr-sr-x    2 louisb   staff        4096 Jun 25 11:45 .
> drwxr-sr-x    7 louisb   staff        4096 Jan  4 14:05 ..
> Yet when you 'ls' the files directly (which we find from the log of a
> daemon that places them there), they are there:
> stampy:~# ls -la
> /home/stampy/queues/sendsyphonemailqstore/q_dispatch/1088004896841
> -rw-r--r--    1 louisb   staff           1 Jun 24 01:34
> /home/stampy/queues/sendsyphonemailqstore/q_dispatch/1088004896841
> stampy:~#
> This is occuring on two machines running Debian Woody, 2.4.25 and 2.4.18
> kernels. The filesystems have had fsck run on them, and the systems are
> not able to clean the /tmp directory because of these 'missing' files
> Other info:
> ext2 filesystems
> libc-2.2.5.so
> gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)
> On both machines, the problems are showing up in the /tmp/CGI_Cache
> directory. The filesystems have not run out of inodes
> Any ideas what could cause this? It has happened on a 3rd machine now
> too. One of the machines uses hardware scsi RAID and the other two are
> using IDE (different chipsets, one VIA, the other AMD)
> Thanks for any pointers,
> Campbell
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