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Re: postscript-enabled mozilla package anyone?

On Tuesday 06 July 2004 1:07 pm, Thomas Winischhofer wrote:
> Since I am not willing to configure my printers a third time with that 
> crappy Xprint stuff (why the heck do we have CUPS including easy setup, 
> PPD support, KDE/GNOME integration, etc etc etc etc), does anyone 
> provide postscript-enabled xprint-disabled mozilla packages?

Mozilla has dropped support for direct printing; presumably, due to a truly
heroic amount of crack, and enough booze to make a Kennedy passout...

As it now stands your choices are A) not print or B) downgrade to
a version that predates the brain damage.

Go to snapshot.debian.net and get the following packages:

epiphany-browser_1.2.6-1_i386.deb libnss3_1.6-7_i386.deb 
mozilla-psm_1.6-7_i386.deb libnspr4_1.6-7_i386.deb 
mozilla-browser_1.6-7_i386.deb mozilla-xft_1.6-7_i386.deb

Install with 'dpkg -i'; be advised that you need to have the mozilla 
stuff installed before epiphany-browser.

Then fire up your editor and as root add the following to 
/etc/apt/preferences to keep apt from updating them:

Package: mozilla-browser
Pin: version 1.6-7
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: mozilla-psm
Pin: version 1.6-7
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: mozilla-xft
Pin: version 1.6-7
Pin-Priority: 1001

I hope this helps. 

Don't bother trying to file a bugreport, I was told that lack of postscript
wasn't a bug and it was closed. I guess I should just sell my postscript laser
printer then; as the Gods of Mozilla have spoken and Real Printers are
now passe. 

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