debian-user Mar 2004 by thread
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are there any software to do symbolic programming Kamaraju Kusumanchi
X Res on Dell Optiplex GX270 Kent West
Hardware clock, and getting it set to UTC? stan
uninstall Debian Linux Douglas Pollard
easy way to install sid by ftp? Richard Lyons
Number of workspaces in gnome-2.4 Joakim Hove
sarge installation troubleshooting Cyril Bérion
Re: [OT] Dual Athlon motherboards - recommendations? Pigeon
Re: exim HELO=fully qualified host name? Derrick 'dman' Hudson
Postfix: gate local users Mark Gillingham
debian jr. Elvis Presley
Debian / NFS Devin Atencio
Re: Lost isa card with Kernel 2.6 Pigeon
DTC-3130BPNP Van . Kolb
Problem installing a gimp plugin diego
Howto customize GRUB during Debian installation Hamid
Mozilla and mailcap entries Bill Moseley
broken package dependencies Richard Weil
Re: Fetchmail Query Peter A. Cole
kernel 2.6.2 ALSA config sb16 Lance Hoffmeyer
Re: PCL only printer Paul Yeatman
Re: fake webmaster
Won't recognize CD-RW Kevin Bailey
what are all the bytes streaming into my modem all about? Dan Jacobson
Sound problems in Sid Curt Howland
Re: wireless bridge, & nic IP addressing Kevin Buhr
Ann: gpm-X guide Derrick 'dman' Hudson
OT: EV1 caves to SCO techlists
Video card - AGP 8x??? Maxime BrouBrou
InterScan MSS has deleted a message Trend Allert
Blocked message - Virus In - T6818347d510a2128337c0 Extadmin
Blocked message - Virus In - T68183480bc0a2128337c0 Extadmin
ntpdate leap year Greg Madden
ghost-like programs for Linux platform j smith
mounting LVM volume by label Rob French
discover/kudzu + devfs + parport/lp Rob French
discover/kudzu + ide-cd Rob French
Re: Hi:Installation Help Monique Y. Herman
what does xlibmesa-dri provide? Nano Nano
Re: wireless bridge, & nic IP addressing (FIXED) Rodney Myers
iptables firewall, help. Brian Schmidt
Exim/fetchmail problem Stefan Bellon
corrupt dpkg + kernel panic --HELP! Michael Bonert
tool to monitor a hardware raid Angel L. Mateo
Military Spending at an All Time High
Some more 2.6.2 bootup errors David Baron
ghost for Linux j smith
Uw e-mail bericht verstuurd aan "", heeft ontvanger niet bereikt. spam
apt-get: purging a package that has already been removed? Adam Funk
Address Incorrect Subscription Services
initrd and ATA raid Andrea Cavalcante
Still having problems printing to Brother HL1450 (Debian testing). Adam Funk
installation problem (Woody r2) Andreas van Leeuwen Flamino, - EGY ÁRÉRT!
installation problem Andreas van Leeuwen Flamino
presentation app Eduardo Gargiulo
knoppix/debian Dr Gavin Seddon
Installation problem with Woody R2. Andreas van Leeuwen Flamino
Sony AIT ATAPI in 2.4.24 Antony Gelberg
Free long distance? Todd
Thank You for your e-mail (KMM960416C0KM) SDLC-EXT
How do I get ntp to start on boot? stan
Mplayer won't "make" during install Benjamin Sher
aptitude stopped automatically upgrading packages Micha Feigin it possible to...?? Maxime BrouBrou
Virus intercepted internet . help
new installer Dr Gavin Seddon
whither ical? Jonathan Corbet
Re: Asking for help: installing debian on Athlon needing nvidia driver Sis
agpgart aperture setting Arthur Barlow
Newbie: setting wireless connection automatic Hamid
Howto set internet sharing with an ethernet card and a wireless one Hamid
qmail anti-virus Rick Weinbender
chkrootkit detects hidden processes in mozilla-firefox and xmms Rick Luddy
Automatic Response [Re: Re: Word file] paulc
What makes /dev/hdb1 say it's mounted/active when it isn't? Chris Evans
Printing problems w/CUPS, HP 5550, WP8 Marc Shapiro
Re: soundcard driver Mark Roach
Re: VT6105 LAN on motherboard working with Debian stable 3.0r2 Mark Roach
"Make" error message -- Solved! Benjamin Sher
xlib6g and unstable Andreas Bach Aaen
what app includes 'startx' command MJ Inabnit
mouse wheel doesn't work Jordi Carrillo
characters in the floppy Jordi Carrillo
Intel Xeon, SMP kernel Sarunas Burdulis
different characters in file names in floppies Jordi Carrillo
A Newbie LVM Question stan
Re: help apt upgrade issue Emmanuel Merliot
Re: md: can not impport hdb1, has active inodes! Chris Evans
sqwebmail authuserdb support in Debian package? Eric Walstad
Gigabit Ethernet switch using Linux? Mike Fedyk
konsole: Home and End keys don't work! Toshiro
Re: Important notify about your e-mail account. Pascal Hakim
Java in Woody Larry
Digital camera corrupted images Miguel Griffa
debconf MemoryError BaekRyun Je
un-subscribe Peter Martinson
tun device on 2.6? Bradley Alexander
kernel-source module compiling question Jerry Rubinow
onshore-timesheet: no connection to the server... clues, please? A. F. Cano
Spam block: Warning about your e-mail account. bilbo
Re: Re: Word file (Due to Internet Mail Filtering Policy : the content of the attachment(s) has been removed from this mail.) BIN01/HAD/HDB/SG
SSHD T. Albert
External DVD-burner Hamid
Subscription to Culture Jammers Network
Re: Re: Your archive harrison
Beagle.H and Clamav T. Albert
Re: Konfigurationen nach Kernelneukompilierung weg | Prob mit Speedtouch USB Elimar Riesebieter
Compatibility with GA-8S655TX Ultra Shri Shrikumar
exim "Frozen" messages? stan
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