debian-powerpc Aug 2001 by thread
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problems compiling evolution (again)... Phil Fraering
Continued Keyboard probs with new input layer Jason E. Stewart
iBook2: mostly working Mr. Stuart Lamble
Debian on new ibook dual USB: Net Install Matthias Geiser
iBook (firewire) backlight Kin Chung
curious about java servlets Bill Lovett
Woody, security and architectures Wichert Akkerman
ibook: Problem with booting Thorsten Nicklaus
xchat cannot be build on power-pc sid ... Michael Flaig
serial mouse on older pmac? furball
yaboot/openfirmware question [again] pejvan
wireless lan config Bastien Nocera
The last update was on 06:27 GMT Thu May 02. There are 1102 messages. Page 1 of 3.
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