debian-user Jun 1998 by thread
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HELP needed w/ libtool using compile Shaleh
Getting $PPP_SPEED to report 33600, not 115200 Ian Lynagh
New Project: COPYRIGHT HOWTO. Jens Ritter
Where can I find some .deb packages ? Shaul
auctex not happening Mark Phillips
hostname 'linux1' bad. How to correct this?? Mario Olimpio de Menezes
Netscape in hamm Mark Phillips
deselect not finding vmlinuz.old Shanta McBain
Re: debian-user-digest Digest V98 #424 deans
Best kernel for now? Tim Thomson
[off-topic] Toshiba 780 CDM Obi
HELP: Unable to boot hamm on IBM Thinkpad Robert Alexander
reentrant libs Michael D. Figley
Silicom Ethernet adapter ? Frere Roy
[no subject] Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
copying root partition Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
oops, the message Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
tar & exclude options Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
PPP problem Ivan Trogranci
comp usa rebates? Kenneth . Scharf
Windows Registry Editor for Linux Stephen Carpenter
smail upgrade, machine no longer accepts mail Michael B. Taylor
X-windows on a Valuepoint Mary Pierce
Using SMARTLIST from bo? Please, READ this. Santiago Vila
Help with Linksys Enet Card Edward Burns
library upgrade, required, but conflicts? Gregory Guthrie
Man-db and hamm Torsten Hilbrich
notebook installation tmalloy
smail bug ????? Alain Toussaint
xauth cannot find libXmu when starting X Jeff Ballin
Bind and general network questions. Kevin Atkinson
Re: Initial X configuration Igor S. Livshits
Stupid Stuff Diego Martinez
Q: Second Ethernet Card deans
PS/2 mouse device Nick Gillam
new kernel-2.0.34 missing filesystems? James D. Freels
debian program to list junk in filesystem? Britton
Problem with new hamm version of ncurses Oz Dror
cgi-bin scripts for ppp dial-up Edward Betts
JDK 1.1: rmiregistry Tomas Petersson
Virtual terminals M.C. Vernon
isapnptools confusion. Paul McDermott
Quake Segfaults Michael Beattie
Missing docs? Steve Lamb
account disabled Paul Miller
mgetty input/output error Paul Miller
Xwindow from win95? Mikhali Mifsud
sound? cd? Mikhali Mifsud
config opti 930 soundcard edge
Xwin permission? Mikhali Mifsud
/dev/sga and /dev/dsp no longer accessable Matt Thompson
persist not working Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella
Speech recognition Junior System Administrator
X Colors Matthew Myers
CD-rom and Zip-drive Marc van der Vossen
Checking Ports? Marcus Johnson
AIC7XXX in 2.0.34 Peter S Galbraith
nethack has wrong scoreboard file Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
Re: Checking Ports? (fwd) Marcus Johnson
lpd looking for wrong device servis
HAMM ftp proxy install Kenneth Johansson
mail corrupts uuencoded file Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella
Man errors? Ossama Othman
Using Both IDE and SCSI Controllers Allan Bart
python-extclass missing Alain Toussaint
ppp network settings Paul Miller
ppp0 and "SIOCADDRT: Operation not supported by device" Paul Miller
help: uid_t structure ! Nuno Carvalho
inode+superblock? Mikhali Mifsud
notebook install problem Tom Malloy
mail Michael Beattie
printing with samba Hamish Moffatt
Compiling a kernel Chris
Building Kernel for Sound Doug Thistlethwaite
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