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RE: How to make X fonts Bigger

on the fixed fonts question...
I have the following truetype fixed pitch fonts on nt3.51:

	Courier New
	Courier New CE
	Lucida Console
	other misc symbol or line draw char sets...

These all work with emacs on nt...(don't ask, I do the best
I can with company policy being what it is).

There are probably some of these in win95 but I don't use it
and don't know...  I haven't read the license to know if you
are free to use them with a non-M$ os even though you may have
bought them with win95 (or whatever).


From: 	Stephen Carpenter[SMTP:sjc@delphi.com]
Sent: 	Thursday, June 04, 1998 10:48 AM
To: 	debian-user@lists.debian.org
Cc: 	The recipient's address is unknown.
Subject: 	Re: How to make X fonts Bigger

<<File: ATT01494.att>>
On Wed, Jun 03, 1998 at 07:37:19PM +0000, Rev. Joseph Carter wrote:

> I have xfstt now.  Have not tried xfsft.  And unfortunately fonts like fixed
> don't exist in TT form.  Also, netscape can't use fixed width TT fonts with
> xfstt at least.

I lookind into xfsft a while ago...but decided that packageing xfsft for debian
was going to be allot of work and really was more than I wanted to get into.
Supposedly it is better than xfstt (then again this is a claim made mostly
by the authors of xfsft...)

The problem I saw when I looked at it was this...
They used xfs as a base and used bothe the source code from xfs and freetype 
but..they took both of these together, wrote their code and made a diff.

This means that to compile xfsft you need to first download the source code for
all of X11 (since that is where xfs is) and either "cut out" xfs or use the 
whole tree...then ....download freetype source and unpack that...
then and only then can you try applying the diff and compiling it.

This presents a few problems with versions and things...and the only real 
advantage I see is that it has all of the functionality of xfs...so there is
no need to run 2 font servers.

back to xfstt....
Yes the fixed fonts...I just have not had time to look into it...but I plan to
it is on my TODO list...unfortunatly things like "find an apartment" and "go 
to work" keep getting placed in the front of my TODO queue instead of
the back like most things.

I should ask before I start...do you know of any "fixed" truetype fonts?
I mean are there truetype fonts that when used show up as a fixed width?
can you give me some examples that I can test and play around with?

(btw another thing on my TODO list is to see if it is feasable to add
suport to xfstt for more than 1 simultaneous connection to the server over
TCP/IP ...it should be a simple matter of fork()ing around with it ;)


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