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Re: copying root partition

Richard E. Hawkins Esq. hat gesagt: // Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:

> I can boot my emergency redhat partition without a problem (other than
> that it uses fvwm95, gives me a warped display, and the mail doesn't
> work :). I have another 1G partition unused, and so I plan to transfer
> my root partition over.
> I recall this coming up a couple of times, but don't recall where I
> filed it.
> Is it
>   ( tar -clOp / ) | (tar -xp --same-owner /mountpoint)
> ?
> or would dd be better

I like "cp -ax" for this task, because of its shortness. 
I never managed to keep those long tar lines in my mind.

man cp:

	-a, --archive
              Preserve  as  much as possible of the structure and
              attributes of the original files in the copy.   The
              same as -dpR.

       	-x, --one-file-system
              Skip  subdirectories that are on different filesys­
              tems from the one that the copy started on.

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