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xauth cannot find libXmu when starting X

Hello all,

When I try to fire up X, using startx or xdm, I receive the following error:

xauth: can't load library 'libXmu.so.6'
xinit: can't load library 'libXmu.so.6'

The lib file does exist, 

lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root    13 Jun  2 15:27 /usr/X11R6/lib/libXmu.so.6 -> libXmu.so.6.0
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root    67856 Jul 17  1997 /usr/X11R6/lib/libXmu.so.6.0

and it is listed in the ldconfig -p list. I looked in the xauth man page, was
not able to see anything incredibly useful. I suspect something wrong in /etc,
but I am not sure (I accidently used 'tar xvfz' instead of 'tar cvfz' to 
"create" a new system backup; ended up overwriting a bunch of files with a
rather old version. For shame...I have more current backups of /usr, /var,
/home and /root, but not of /etc.)

When I try to execute xdm or startx, it does not even load XF86Config 
(or at least it sends not of the usual info to the tty).

My .Xauthority file is empty also.


Thank you,

Jeff Ballin

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