debian-user Sep 2002 by thread
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RE: Set a Realtek 8019AS network card to half duplex - HOW? Joyce, Matthew
Ongoing saga of upgrading my old Woody David Teague
Writing a kernel building walkthrough - proofreaders wanted Kirk Strauser
Re: Problems with pcmcia/modem martin f krafft
packages installed today/yesterday martin f krafft
nvidia and console freeze Matthew Sackman
Virtual console corruption. Rob Weir
Webpage that might be useful for newbies David Pastern
ISDN Troubleshooting. Mark
Re: char-major-6 Daniel Barclay
Any way to re-install packages? Joe Emenaker
debian3.0 (Woody) login interface - How? damar thapa
Exim 3.35 + Mysql in Debian Potato Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
sort question Andre Berger
mutt jade
woody and resierfs mini-cd wanted Patrick Hsieh
apt-build world ? Patrick Hsieh
What CDs? Richard Spillane
Connection to webmin server is refused Tjip Meijer
Slow internal 250 ZIP Preben Randhol
Se ha detectado un virus en su correo NOTES45
Have to start "dctrl" twice Roettker (ext) Hermann-Josef
List of suggested packages David Goodenough
boot procedure hangs with: enable_irq(18) unbalanced from c01fe311 Sistemi Informativi2
gdm2 - font problem negon
openssl-dev anywhere? Heilig (Cece) Szabolcs
tracing PAM? Christian Hammers
koffice 1.2 for woody Benoit Mortier
Gnome and printing and CUPS Pat Colbeck
Deleting old threads Christoph Claus
Dual boot met twee HD's (een voor MSWindows en een voor Linux) Golf-it
(OT) The NFS security system Raffaele Sandrini
Shutting postgres up Dave Sherohman
Problems with xmms. Steve Juranich
Strange log errors Haines, Charles Allen
jigdo question Gary Hennigan
what this kernel error means? César Augusto Seronni Filho
Sendmail doing IPv6 lookups Ramon Kagan
still sawfish prob: gnome panel not sticky.... Bruno Boettcher
Kernel Panic: How to tell what happened? Mariano Kamp
problem with system clock martin f krafft
Truetype fonts in mozilla/galeon Nathan Weston
Mozilla 1.0.0-1 FAQ David Teague
reinstall all packages Patrick Sannes
Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- Re: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? burningclown
- Re: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? Alan Shutko
- Re: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? Kirk Strauser
- Re: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? nate
- Re: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? Colin Watson
- Re: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? jeff
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? David Pastern
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? David Pastern
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry
- RE: Why do I need to be a %^#$# programmer to use Linux? deFreese, Barry and its attached A1000 Chris Manning
start_fn in /etc/pcmcia/network.opts Mark Copper
Setting up a Bootloader, post install. sobriquet
SUCCESS! It Boots! Re: kernel and booting (was Re: Ongoing Woody upgrade David Teague
Dibian on Gigabyte GA-7VRXP motherboard. pCarlo
Sarge security updates Jeff Penn
ps2pdf problems Mike Fontenot
Problems with solid-pop3d Haines, Charles Allen
RE: Linux in Universities - Links Haines, Charles Allen
list files opened over nfs martin f krafft
Re: Mozilla Plugins Problem Slaven
Install Debian on HP E60 Netserver thanhtn
OT: Accessing users' pages on Apache Kent West
Jabber client? Michael D. Crawford
Domestic network! Glyn Millington
Re: Device list Karsten M. Self
Installation with USB floppy Eduard Bloch
[no subject] boud
sr_mod module missing in 2.4.18-bf2.4 kernel boud
Re: Local address lookup (SOLVED!) Jan Willem Stumpel
mtrr quetion. Egor Tur
x-window-manager & user Egor Tur
compiling vpopmail on woody N. A. Hilal
second X-session only as root David Wilk
Where are the alsa-modules for 2.4.19? Svante Signell
needing the installation manual in pdf Scott B. Berry
kde and gnome Phil Reardon
dselect strangeness re. "pinning" and openssl security update Ralf G. R. Bergs
Mozilla 1.1 jon787
how to install the latest autoconf/automake/gettext Felix Natter
how to get rid of [] in manpages? martin f krafft
how to make the man formatting better. martin f krafft
免费网上商店、企业网站、招聘求职信息 yyyyy
openssl-0.9.6c-2.woody.0 not vulnerable, right? Alan Su
wmaker: create a new desktop from the shell martin f krafft
Converting from kmail to balsa? Chris Hoover
question about /etc/passwd entries Mike Mueller
MIME problem displaying .dvi.gz files in Galeon/Mozilla Tom Schutter
HTML attachments in MUTT Adam Bogacki
Collisions on lan using Linux versus Windows Robert Ian Smit
singular nfs mounting problem martin f krafft
3party debian packages h
Re: mtrr quetion Egor Tur
I have message in my daemon.log: Egor Tur
PPTP in Debian Kenny Mok
/etc/init.d/quota : quotacheck create aquota.user but quotaon looks for quota.user reno
binaries into deb's [newbie] Kevin Coyner
Re: binaries into deb\'s [newbie] lacostej
Mozilla,QT and Kylix Tinus Kotzé
Java Runtime Environment >= 1.3.1 Pierre Dupuis
Trouble woody apache-ssl/php4/libmm Martin Hoffesommer
Saving files using CD-RW drive? Victor Torrico
rec broken (sox package) Felix Natter
having trouble partitioning correctly Scott B. Berry
restricting tripwire update to subdirs martin f krafft
Setting up/using my own nntp server D.J. Bolderman
Re: packet writing (CDRW) linux Jeff
Re: Error downloading from experimental Ing. Vladimir M. Kerka
Concerning Upgrade to Woody: Couldn't configure a pre-depend Andreas Hetzmannseder
Danke nochmal f黵 alles !! Jasmina Richter
Ext3 or FAT32? Richard Lemay
IRQ conflict john gennard
ifconfig john gennard
XFree86 on Macintosh Powerbook mr.fletcher
video memory vs.regular memory Lance Hoffmeyer
Windows to Linux network copies. Alex Spitzer
can't start x anymore Christian Schoenebeck
Connecting to X remotely w/ssh Lance Hoffmeyer
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