Re: Where are the alsa-modules for 2.4.19?
On Sat, Sep 14, 2002 at 06:53:50PM +0200, Svante Signell wrote:
> Saw the recent thread on debian-user: "Writing a kernel building
> walkthrough - proofreaders wanted". Please add also how to compile
> modules to this document, especially how to compile modules for a
> stock kernel, not a custom made one, since this is much easier.
# pull version and arch from currently running kernel
version=`uname -r | cut -d '-' -f 1`
arch=`uname -r | cut -d '-' -f 2`
# change to source directory
cd /usr/src
# install alsa source and extract to create modules directory
apt-get install alsa-source
tar xzf alsa-drivers.tar.gz
# repeat the above for any desired kernel module packages
# install and extract kernel source
apt-get install kernel-source-$version
tar xjf kernel-source-$version.tar.bz2
# copy debian configuration of kernel from /boot to kernel source
# directory
cd kernel-source-$version
cp /boot/config-$version-$arch .config
# build package of all installed kernel modules (ie those currently
# extracted to /usr/src/modules)
make-kpkg --append-to-version "-$arch" --us --uc modules_image
# the above instructions are basically the same as those found here:
Jamin W. Collins
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