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problem with system clock

this one's weird:

i've been using ntp-simple and ntpdate on my laptop for ages. only
recently have i noticed that the system time is slow. i thought that
ntpd got out of sync and stopped it, ran ntpdate, then restarted ntpd.
the same problem appeared again. so i repeated the procedure, this
time deleting the drift file. the result was the same. the following
shows the difference in the time between my laptop and my stratum
0 reference server:

  fishbowl:~> while true; do
  while> /usr/sbin/ntpdate -q ntp | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f10
  while> sleep 5
  while> done

as you can see, the system clock is losing 0.04s every 5s, that's
28.8s every hour.

mh, i said to myself, this isn't good. i went to the bios and checked
the clock there, just to find that it's accurate - absolutely in sync
with my swiss watch over a period of 5 or 7 minutes. so i go back to
the OS and check it there - and yes, it's slow, walking 24 seconds in
the time that my watch walked 25 seconds.

mh, i said to myself once again, and disabled ntpd. same result.

so now i am stumped and confused and dazed and clueless. without ntpd
or anything else of that sort, my system clock is running slow while
the hardware clock appears to run correctly.

here's something else that might help you: the above difference from
the ntp server next to the /sbin/hwclock deviation, also every five
seconds. this is especially weird:

  fishbowl:/home/madduck# while true; do
  while> echo -n `/usr/sbin/ntpdate -q ntp | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f10`
  while> echo -n "               "
  while> hwclock --show | cut -d' ' -f8
  while> sleep 5
  while> done
  0.012445                -0.306788
  0.051684                -0.827024
  0.098812                -0.833139
  0.140516                -0.816909
  0.188554                -0.823001
  0.228424                -0.812623
  0.298306                -0.793032
  0.349825                -0.817467
  0.389716                -0.807413
  0.439292                -0.831211
  0.477812                -0.793028
  0.528713                -0.805410

any tips appreciated!

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
work like you don't need the money
love like you have never been hurt
dance like there's nobody watching

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