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jigdo question

I'm trying to get Jigdo to create the 1st NON-US woody CD and in the
end it keeps bombing with:

Aaargh - 2 files could not be downloaded. This should not
happen! Depending on the problem, it may help to retry downloading
the missing files.
Also, you could try changing to another Debian or Non-US server,
in case the one you used is out of sync.

However, if all the files downloaded without errors and you
still get this message, it means that the files changed on the
server, so the image cannot be generated.
As a last resort, you could try to complete the CD image download
by fetching the remaining data with rsync.

Press Return to retry downloading the missing files.
Press Ctrl-C to abort. (If you re-run jigdo-lite later, it will
resume from here, the downloaded data is not lost if you press
Ctrl-C now.)

No matter how many times I retry or which of a couple of mirrors I
select I always get this message. How can I tell which two files it

I'm using the standard Jigdo server and file, I think, ie.,


Any ideas?


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