debian-edu Jul 2004 by thread
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Re: stars: Star data catalogues being used cannot be distributed modified and license concers of other data/ files Colin Watson
[ CVS update: src/debian-edu-config/debian changelog] Finn-Arne Johansen
update-locale-config/nb_NO problem Finn-Arne Johansen
Open source programmes and competition Knut Yrvin
Weekly repport from week 28 Knut Yrvin
Fwd: Your Linux distribution has been listed on Knut Yrvin
weekly report week 28 Joey Hess
Re: international cooperation Knut Yrvin
SkoleLinux CDs David Turner
tuxmath, kmenu Ralf Gesellen'setter
KDE Debian Integration @ aKademy Kévin 'ervin' Ottens
Needs for auto-generation of dhcpd.conf? Ralf Gesellen'setter
Source CD's Finn-Arne Johansen
Administrating maschines in the Skolelinux network Maximilian Wilhelm
Install Skolelinux release 1.0 on a SCSI-HDD Frank Weißer
Application to join the EU2FOSS-effort coordinated by MUFICATA Knut Yrvin
There is a DoS vulnerability in Java 1.4 (URL) Herman Robak
Q: Workstation Hardware Layout? (Urgent) Ralf Gesellen'setter
Re: Stellarium project in need for packager Andreas Tille
DESA-2004-11 - j2re1.4: Denial Of Service Vulnerability Finn-Arne Johansen
Integration of other Linux-machines into Skolelinux network. Klaus Ade Johnstad
Fwd: Skolelinux 1.0 Problem mit Webmin,Ldap und Benutzer anlegen (translated) Ralf Gesellen'setter
Upgrading from 1.0 is asking lots of questions Petter Reinholdtsen
an idea for debian-edu tasks Joey Hess
Automated Kerberos installation ready Maximilian Wilhelm
Laptop Installation = Fwd: [slx-www-int] More Translations to German Ralf Gesellen'setter
eWeek Opinions: Picking Your Lightweight Linux Desktop Knut Yrvin
plans for week 30 Andreas Schuldei
weekly report week 29 by Knut Yrvin Knut Yrvin
Q: Raid-5 Controller (Hardware aquiration) Ralf Gesellen'setter
weekly report week 29 Joey Hess
wlus 1.3-14 fixing all of finnarnes bugs Andreas Schuldei
Re: From Gleducar Knut Yrvin
Processing of debian-edu-install_0.636_i386.changes Archive Administrator
debian-edu-install_0.636_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
thin-client options for sarge Vagrant Cascadian
Cleaning away old processes (idle-jobb-killer 2) Petter Reinholdtsen
Please update the translating for debian-edu-install Petter Reinholdtsen
joblist for smaller feature localisation for germany Andreas Schuldei
Processing of debian-edu-install_0.637_i386.changes Archive Administrator
debian-edu-install_0.637_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Sailing by Sea - Cruise Franchise partnership
Please translate debian-edu-install as well Petter Reinholdtsen
FET - tablix - intime - schooltool Ralf Gesel|ensetter
Re: FET - tablix - intime - schooltool Petter Reinholdtsen
week 30 report, week 31 plans Andreas Schuldei
Processing of debian-edu_0.800_i386.changes Archive Administrator
debian-edu_0.800_i386.changes is NEW Debian Installer
weekly report week 30 Joey Hess
Some school related stuff in Africa Petter Reinholdtsen
cerebrum debian-edu/skolelinux integration Andreas Schuldei
Week 30 report of Knut Yrvin. Week 31 plans Knut Yrvin
Re: I need serious help on Skolelinux. Kurt Gramlich
"Developer Declaration of Independence" Ralf Gesel|ensetter
Linux for Schools Finn-Arne Johansen
half thick clients (was:Re: Week 30 report of Knut Yrvin. Week 31 plans) Wolfgang Schweer
wlus 1.3-15 with a fix-ldif rewrite Andreas Schuldei
English skolelinux users mailing list etc Gavin McCullagh
a sponsor for SchoolTool packages? Tom Hoffman
getting w2k in tjener's domain Frank Weißer
Fwd: [Discuss] installer Knut Yrvin
LVM Tools / GUI Thomas Templin
cerebrum description/documentation Andreas Schuldei
Re: dual boot installering av slx Finn-Arne Johansen
Re: dual boot installering av slx Jonas Smedegaard
The last update was on 20:28 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 308 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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