debian-powerpc Mar 2005 by thread
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Building a Custom Kernel Ben Hill
ibook2 and fan control ivc
driver module info and load? vze26m98
Re: Which Kernel for Airport Support? Mauro
Hard Disk install on a new PowerMac G5 Francois
Re: mol and wlan Dean Hamstead
Re: Approaches to enabling scanning for AirPort (not Extreme) Dean Hamstead
minimac for benh Dean Hamstead
State of ibook G4 sleep support in 2.6.11? Des Johnston
Trackpad on new Powerbook5,6 doesn't work Thomas Arendsen Hein
Re: No sound: Deb Sarge on G4 iMac Marián Képesi
***kernal panic on starting Appletalk services*** Kim Cascone
Re: 2.6.11 again Matthias Schulz
Re: graphical problem? - radeonfb or hardware problem Jesús Roncero
Problems Playing Videos (audio track is choppy) (PB5,4) Matthew T. Atkinson
Same G3, new problems....
2.6.10 and FireStarter Cedric Pradalier
iMac Mini Benjamin Herrenschmidt
ibook2 r128 xv colour corruption Lee Braiden
CUDAMGR (was "Automatic power-on" or "pmacpow--would a .deb be worthwhile?") gerard
Re: Setup soft modem on PowerBook G4 12" Al? Mark Ferry
Powerbook 12" and vga-out Wee-Jin Goh
TiBook IV and Kernel 2.6.11 Michael Flaig
Rebooting as a cron job? Charles Read
Re: Permission for 'dev/pmu' Matthew T. Atkinson
alsaconf package? vze26m98
initrd.img ? Paul J. Lucas
mkvmlinuz: how to use? Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corsetti Dutra
keyboard layout under X11 Jochen Voss
Massiv kernel crashes on ibook/G4 1.33 GHz Uwe Steinmann
xterm problem on my powerbook Jochen Voss
Reproducable crash of linux 2.6.x on iBook/G4 steinm
2.6.11 with sleep and linux-wlan-ng drivers Kjetil Ørbekk
Graceful exit from TWM/X Windows? vze26m98
backing up before debian install Tamas K Papp
confirm f836e67c1ce11f14268b68ab814f7c26 SYMPA
[2.6.11 vanilla] Compiled on iBook G4: all working! Jack Malmostoso
prolems with my Keyboard Moloantoa VMK
Kernel 2.6.11 and rivafb Wee-Jin Goh
d-i "testing" installer kernels + Power Mac 8500 vinai
unsubscribe nadir kiyanclar
How do I suspend to disk Wee-Jin Goh
record mic and linein on powerbook G3 gm c
Re: setting up TCP/IP Colin Leroy
excessive atyfb debug messages since 2.6.8 or so Martin-Éric Racine
Is it possible to run a tv card? Rainer Gutkas
CVS orinoco.c 0.15rc1: Monitor mode broken for Agere 8.xx firmware Wolfgang Pfeiffer
do I need to create the bootstrap partition during install? Tamas K Papp
Re: Wrong sized wrench Josh Narins
Airport Extreme via QEmu Wee-Jin Goh
/dev/md support in quik Simon Vallet
External Xine Plugins for PowerPC ben racher
Sleep powerbook 12" Sergio Paracuellos
Finding non apt-managed files Matthew T. Atkinson
Adding a network card... Charles Read
rc2 or daily images? Tamas K Papp
Re: Bug#296997: gcc-3.4: linux 2.6.11-rc? doesn't compile on ppc Elimar Riesebieter
unnecessary loaded modules Paul J. Lucas
newer kernels and console video in 7300-8600 macs ? vinai
New powerbooks support status (again) Antonio-M. Corbi Bellot
Problem with HFS+ resizing Teófilo Ruiz Suárez
history updates Dean Hamstead
subscribe Nigel Horne
[Netboot] Ethernet Driver on 1.8GHz G5? Francois
/sys/devices/temperatures and suspend to disk Matthias Schulz
Re: /sys/devices/temperatures and suspend to disk Guido Guenther
cdrecord failing to write Ben Hill
Orinoco Dirver with monitor support Rainer Gutkas
gnome silliness Dean Hamstead
Best way to create a swap partition Helge Kreutzmann
Bug#298565: bug in kernel-patch-powerpc-2.4.27 vinai
Bug#289182: kino endianness issues on powerpc Daniel Kobras
pre-release 2.6.11-0.1 debian/powerpc kernel. Sven Luther
Sarge Crashes: Soundserver, Konqueror on SMB Mount Rainer Gutkas
errors when compiling 2.6 kernel source vinai
kernel 2.6.10 + radeon accel + alsa AMAND Antonin
X-windows crashes with a S3 Virge PCI card in a beige Macintosh G3 PowerPC Nick Jenkins
hda: lost interrupt starting with 2.6.8 Vince Weaver
Controlling Powerbook fan speed Wee-Jin Goh
Upgrade to Unstable: Problems with USB Wifi Adapter Ben Hill
kernel compiling for power pc Rainer Gutkas
will linus work on ppc dev now? david
Powerbook5,6 longer list of what does not work... Chocron J.
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