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Re: Which Kernel for Airport Support?

right? I'm not happy with nvida's proprietary drivers but in my eyes they are better than nothing if you need 3D. Even if Broadcom produces proprietary drivers, it would be a step forward in my opinion. I know we are a small market (Linux PPC users) but I still can't imagine they would pass up the chance to help even if just for the publicity.

If you think it's worth a try and you're a prominent figure in the community then contact me off list. I don't think it's appropriate to post this info in a public forum.

the great thing about the original airport card is that is used in
every piece of mac hardware in that era. imac, powermac, powerpc, ibook
etc etc. so it enabled use on a huge range of hardware.

considering how much squiriming there is to find an alternative
surely broadcom would cut its competitors out for the sake of it

i have some grief with the airport driver (ie lack of scanning etc)
but ive still transfered probably terrabytes by now worth of data
through it.

WWW: http://dean.bong.com.au  LAN: http://www.bong.com.au
EMAIL: dean@bong.com.au       or       djzort@bong.com.au
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