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Re: minimac for benh

Hi Dean, Ben,

FYI: I just got from a long family vacation and I haven't tried the paypal thing yet. So I still owe you $50 (I will figure out how to use it this weekend!). So if you already have a minimac then please put the $50 to whatever else you might need.

Sorry for the delay!


On 1-Mar-05, at 11:28 PM, Dean Hamstead wrote:

ben machine
did you get the minimac yet?

i just want to express more hero worship at this point in the hope
that it will motivate you to write more great code so i can continue
to be free of x86's and be super geeky

im sure one day ill be able to release some code that will help
someone, but for now its just cash and adoration :)

WWW: http://dean.bong.com.au  LAN: http://www.bong.com.au
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