debian-kde Oct 2001 by thread
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Re: locale settings? Doug Byfield
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: locale settings? John Gay
fixed width fonts for konsole Giles Constant
KDE won't start automatically Sunny Dubey
automake build issues Ivan E. Moore II
KDE and konqueror at startup Ratko Rudic
compiling CVS kde in a different directory Frank Dekervel
unknown problem Toomas Vananurm
kivio line connector tool doesn't work in kde packages for potato. Anti Box
/etc/X11/Xsession don't works with kde? Pere Castañer
mosfet liquid anyone? Volker Schlecht
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: mosfet liquid anyone? David Nielsen
kde2 sound problem Tom Allison
kicker broken in sid? Ben Burton
Ivan's Fund David Bishop
Anti-aliased fonts and defaults David Bishop
Anti-aliased fonts in KDE 2.2.1: ``Adobe" fonts not available when anti-aliasing enabled Bruce Miller
Re: Man Pages Achim Bohnet
Kfract anyone?? Sunny Dubey
SSL sites in Konqueror Josh Morris
Xft broken in Sid? Ryan Cumming
Environment variables for KDE-Sessions Rainer Dorsch
last kde update Christophe Prud'homme
compiling kde stuff David Bishop
sound - sometimes Tom Allison
kscd & cddb Kamil Kisiel
apt 0.5.4: preferences file Bruce Miller
Failed upgrade to KDE 2.2.1 Brian Button
Re: 2.2.1 Jens Benecke
Install KLyX Mark Rompies
How to debug Cajus Pollmeier
Hosed KDE Shawn P. Garbett
Fwd: Play a hilarious prank call Brian Fletcher
transparent terms Tom Allison
themes Tom Allison
Configuration Corrupt exa
missing text Sheldon Lee Wen
Mirroring KDE Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim
KDE & X broken in unstable Robert Tilley
kde 2.2 errors and konqueror crashes Bob Koss
Strange behaviour in KDE 2.2.1 P. de Vicente
woody - bug came w/upgrade anyway - no X Jaye Inabnit ke6sls
Windows get out of bounds Hendrik Sattler
Compiling Qt 3.0 and kdelibs 3.0alpha in sid Pere Castañer
Odd copying/pasting question Sunny Dubey
evolution in kde Albert Heijn
compile a small KDE application NDSoftware
Installing only konqueror and changing default fonts Angelo Cano
Attachments in Kmail Shawn P. Garbett
kde & qt3 Tomas Pospisek
Unofficial Packages of KDE 2.2.1 NDSoftware
window size Tom Allison
KDE 3.0 (cvs) packages Ivan E. Moore II
"Save Link as..." in ftp-mode Frank Mehnert
mp3Kult and SIGSEGV Toomas Vananurm curiosity is getting to me... Ivan E. Moore II
prelink update Ivan E. Moore II
Can't configure kdevelop Macolu
resolved: compiling kde3 stuff under Debian Tomas Pospisek
Aethera crashes... Luca
Finally get to see what KDE2.2 looks like? John Gay
building kdepim with Ivan's kde4 packages Tomas Pospisek
KDevelop Krystian Bates
KLISA problems again Donald R. Spoon
kdevelop broken ?? Andy Toenz
Search engine in kcontrol P. de Vicente
kde objprelink and new binutils Philipp Siegert
Re: how to make Lexmark Z11 work with Debian? Bob Underwood
kmail doesn´t work Kai Riasol Gonzalez
KMail and Outlook? Franz Keferboeck
kdm dies Daniel Jones
Re: kdm dies Nikolai Nespor
killustrator Daniel Jones
Mosfet's Liquid Theme & Compilation Problems Robert Tilley
Liquid Theme Robert Tilley
KDE Printer drivers Franz Keferboeck
Root can use AA TrueType & T1 fonts, users get garbage Troy Telford
no mp3-view in kio (audiocd) Andy Toenz
Euro support for Kde 2 javi
Programs Won't Start Robert Tilley
konsole issues Justin R. Miller
fbcon Sheldon Lee-Wen
kde4 packages not apt--getable Tomas Pospisek
Konqueror Strangeness Robert Tilley
kmail address book Jaye Inabnit ke6sls
KDE compile complains about missing Magnus von Koeller
.xsession-errors while opening a KDE2-Session! Heidelinde Meier
Kde 2.2.1 in testing Albert Heijn
compiling qt tutorials Sheldon Lee-Wen
KreateCD package Christophe Prud'homme
Upgrade to Woody, Sucess! John Gay
Schmoozing for Ivan: Final David Bishop
Konqueror error in Debian kde 2.2.1 Jørgen Hermanrud Fjeld
Konqueror and Flash Regnat Nikolaus
Startup window sizes exa
Konqueror Is Slightly-Broken? Robert Tilley
What WYSIWYG HTML creators/editors run on KDE? tluxt
Kwork/Koffice Tom Allison
RE: Broken Konq. Robert Tilley
Eureka -- This Means Something! Robert Tilley
How to upgrade to KDE 2.2.1 - a not quite newbies' guide Bruce Miller
Flash & Konqueror -- Coexistence in Question Robert Tilley
The last update was on 07:25 GMT Mon May 13. There are 626 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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