Konqueror Is Slightly-Broken?
I've noticed lately that on my Debian unstable system, which is apt-get
updated at least once per day, that Konqueror no longer can be opened via the
Konqueror item under the Internet menu.
When said item is chosen, the Konqueror name with the hourglass appear in the
application panel as though Konqueror is opening. However, after about 30
seconds all indications of Konqueror beginning are erased from the screen.
I instead have to begin a Konqueror session from a Konsole This is not a
show-stopper in terms of bugginess, merely a curiousity.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Comments and information are appreciated.
Flames, rants, and other miscellany are routed to /dev/null.
Robert Tilley, tilleyrw@cfl.rr.com
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