sound - sometimes
I am using a kernel sound module for my notebook (cs46xx).
I can get the sound to work.
But yesterday while playing around I started up KDE (as root) from the
command line - I normally use 'kdm'. I was greeted with all kinds of
sound effects - startup sounds, clicky sounds, windows open/close
sounds.... I've never heard them before!
Under KDM, I don't get these - but I can get some sounds... mostly a
modified beep.
I tried to log in from the command prompt as "joe user" and the sounds
didn't work then either. Only root, only from command line.
I have "joe user" added as an audio group member and the rights are set
to crw-rw---- for the sound device.
When I boot - syslog has entries about unable to find (I forget exactly
the names) files matching /sound/ that came originally from a failed
alsa installation that I later purged.
I have removed all the alsa files, re-ran update-modutils and checked to
see that modules.conf do not reference these files. But they are
still being attempted.
Side note:
Where does kdm get it's PATH from? I've been trying to fix it for days
not and all the conventional methods do not work. I turned up the
debugging and saw that my PATH does not match /etc/profile or
~/.profile, ~/.xinitrc, /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
How do I fix this so it's using the same path as my /etc/profile?
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