Re: Euro support for Kde 2
El Lun 22 Oct 2001 15:46, Víctor Romero escribió:
> On Mon 22 Oct 2001 15:16, javi wrote:
> > Hello all!!
> >
> > I would like to introduce myself: I'm javi and I'm working
> > giving Linux support for the spanish governement, we are
> Fine I'll reply you in spanish so
> > trying to port NT clients to Debian Linux. Now we have a
> > very important problem to face: we have to support euro
> > under Debian/Woody, this seems impossible.
> >
> > We have read a lot of sources of imformation, a lot of
> > HOWTO's and document like that, but we haven't found a
> > definitive document, all is too confusing. I must to say
> > that we have euro support under terminal but no with X's.
> Hola Javi, mira ahora mismo no encuentro el correo en particular pero en
> la lista de internacionalizacion de KDE-es ya se hablo de eso no hace mucho
> y Antonio Larrosa envio una solucion.
The previous sentence says something like this....
" Look Javi, now I cannot find the message I am thinking about but in the
KDE-es i18 list Antonio Larrosa answered this question some time ago."
The document Victor speaks about is a link that Antonio Larrosa sent to us
in the KDE-es list. The link pointed here:
I have not tried it yet, but I will.
By the way I am very interested about this port from NT clients to Debian
Linux in the spanish administration, I will contact you in private. Since 3
years I am running many (>20) Debian/Linux machines with KDE in the OAN
(Observatorio Astronómico Nacional) in Spain ( Some of
them are servers and most of them are for end-user usage.
Pablo de Vicente
KDE spanish translation team.
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