Re: Euro support for Kde 2
El Mié 24 Oct 2001 11:15, javi escribió:
> Hi all!!
> We have to say that we don't get the euro under KDE. We
> have tested all the possibles configurations, and we have
> read all the documents, included
> We have the euro correctly supported under terminal, we
> have installed all fonts, transcoded included and wee need
> truetype fonts, and iso8859-15. We are able to see Euro
> displayed on a xterminal when we run:
> #xterm -fn
> -mix-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-ISO8859-15
> But is impossible that all the fonts show the Euro at all.
> This is confusing!!
> When we run xfd, an aplication that displays all the
> characters of a map, we can see the Euro symbol displayed in
> all the fonts iso8859-15, but when selecting those fonts the
> Euro symbol simply doesn't appear.
> Summing up, when trying to get the euro under KDE all that
> we can see is '?' (a little circle with 4 marks) or an '?'.
> All of these is anoying, we don't know what to do now.
> Anybody has got configured Euro symbol, with all fonts (M$
> truetype included) under KDE2 and a woody distribution?
> Thanks in advance again, any advice would be apreciate...
I have finally suceeded in rendering and using the € (euro sign) and I
should say that it is thanks to Hendrik Sattler, although the settings for
German and Spanish differ in several aspects. I am using woody (Debian 3.0) +
KDE 2.2.1 (from sid).
These are my settings. It may be possible that some are not necessary:
1) /etc/locale.gen:
es_ES ISO-8859-15
es_ES@euro ISO-8859-15
en_US ISO-8859-1
Run locale-gen after modifying this file.
2) /etc/environment:
this allows that KDE aplications read tke variables on startup. The settings
for LC_ALL and LANG must be exactly as I show them. Any other combination
does not work. I do not know if the last two items are needed.
3) Install package user-es. If you run "/usr/bin/castellanizar" you will get
a file called "/etc/language-es" which should be called by /etc/bash.bashrc
and /etc/profile.
/etc/language-es (some of the entries):
export LC_ALL
export LANG
4) Install xfonts-100dpi-transcoded and xfonts-75dpi-transcoded
5) Modify in Kcontrol -> Personalización -> País e Idioma from ISO-8859-1 to
6) Some individual applications from KDE may need that you change the
codification from ISO-8859-1 to ISO-8859-15 (like kmail or kedit)
7) This is NOT necessary to be changed. The entry in /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/de
should say:
key <AD03> { [ e, E ],
[ EuroSign, cent ] };
which is the default one. If you change EuroSign by currency it does NOT
work. Here it differs from the German case.
With these settings you will get € on applications like kmail, kword,
kedit,... but if you type Alt-Gr E on konsole you will get the circle with
four corners in the form of X. If you copy and paste this sign from konsole
to kmail the symbol is pasted as €. In kdm you cannot type € because it does
not work there, but I guess nobody needs it there :-)
Pablo de Vicente
KDE spanish translation team.
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