Re: Odd copying/pasting question
On Tuesday 16 October 2001 17:53, Sunny Dubey wrote:
> hey
> I want to some how disable the ability to copy text just by highlighting
> it. IMNSHO this is an old and out dated, and I am hoping (more like
> wishing) that KDE has some sort of mechanism to simply prevent or prohibit
> the copying of text by highlighting it.
> An example below is what I would LIKE to be able to do ...
> Highlight PARAGRAPH_A
> Highlight PARAGRAPH_B
> Right Click on PARAGRAPH_B
> Format (or do something ) with PARAGRAPH_B
> Paste PARAGRAPH_A right under PARAGRAPH_B
> the problem is ... the following is what happens ...
> Highlight PARAGRAPH_A
> Highlight PARAGRAPH_B
> Right Click on PARAGRAPH_B
> Format (or do something ) with PARAGRAPH_B
> Attempt to paste PARAGRAPH_A right under PARAGRAPH_B (problem is that
> because I had highlighted PARAGRAPH_B to format it before, PARAGRAPH_A is
> no longer in the clip board buffer, and instead PARAGRAPH_B is, and so
> PARAGRAPH_B gets pasted as opposed to PARAGRAPH_A)
> sorry if this made no sense to you ...
> I am going to pull my teeth out very very soon or something. I like doing
> lots of text editing, and thanks to Kword, I like to do it under linux even
> more (and thanks to samba, I can now share my families printer). The
> problem ism, it gets very fustrating having to deal with a clip board that
> changes just by highlighting something (Some one on debian-user said that
> this happens because of a 15 year old spec or something)
> Any ideas, insights, or clues?? thanks much for your time
> Sunny Dubey
> Teeth Pulling Debian User
Greetz Sunny,
I'm a reforming windoz user too. To your topic. I have noticed that
staroffice does what you want. it however, isn't gpl'd if that is a concern
(and IMO should be) to you.
Kword/kedit etc all behave more unixy. I've grown used to and expect it. I
find that now, on windoz, it's a real pain to highlight, then do a copy/cut
function to get stuff into the clipboard. Guess I used to be yin and now I'm
yan. :)
Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls\/A GNU-Debian linux user\/
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. I SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
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