Re: KreateCD package
Christophe Prud'homme wrote:
> [Tim Kelley Tuesday 23 October 2001 05:56 pm]:
> | What's wrong with koncd? It seemed pretty excellent to me, aside from a
> | few bugs, and also was a nice front end to mkisofs.
> Nothing is wrong with koncd, actually it is being plugged in kde3/multimedia
> in the mean time kreatecd for 2.2 foes a good job and I might also create the
> package for koncd. It is just a question of choice.
> Last time I tried(quite some time) koncd it was not very well polished.
> Now if you say that it is good and works well then may be I'll give it a try
> and package it. But again it is all a question of choice.
> Neil Stevens( a Kde developper ) posted a review of kreatecd on
> check out
> C.
I'll probably get flamed for mentioning this on a KDE group...
The problem with KreateCD is that it won't do disk-at-once writes of audio CDs,
right? This is a big downer if, like me, you do a lot of recording of classical
stuff with long single takes that need track marks putting in the middle of a
wav file. If you use track-at-once, there's always a silence before the track
So I'll have to stick to gcdmaster <d&r> I was really glad to hear
from the review that DAO recording is just around the corner. I vote for it!
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