Strange System Use
Following an apt-get system update last night, which the maintainer of
Konqueror said would cure the glibc6 problems, everything seemed to be good.
This morning, when I woke my Debian box, activity was sluggish and gkrellm
showed my CPU usage to be 100%.
Issuing a "top" revealed that a process called htdig was consuming 30+% of
system resources. The problem persisted as I visited, with
the htmerge and sort processes also ranking #1 and #2 in top system CPU use.
Eventually (now in fact as I type), things have settled back to normal. I
had feared I might have to log out and then back in, or (gods no!) reboot.
This may be a side-effect of sleep-mode following the latest updates.
I wanted to post this so that any developers trolling the list might learn
of this phenomena.
Robert Tilley,
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