Re: curiosity is getting to me...
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On Thursday 18 October 2001 12:44 pm, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> where's the final totals and all on this gift? You got my curiosity going
> and I'm going crazy... heh. :)
> /me runs off to go break more stuff...
People who've donated (I *know* I'm missing some names because I'm at work
and I don't have the envelopes of the people who send it directly. Also the
German's just gave me one big check. Don't be shy, if I missed you, tell me!).
Paypal contributors:
Jaye, Griz & Pat Inabnit
Steve Sharp
Donald Spoon
Christopher Dean
Robert Snyder
Yifang Dai
Michael Repass
Nigel Pauli
Toby Milne
Dan Plaster
David Kuntz
James Morton
Marc Branchaud
Patricia Scott
Assorted Swiss People
for a total of $382.67
Directly To Me:
David Nielsen
Matthias Schulz (on behalf of all the Germans, some listed below)
Hendrik Naumann
Andreas Trottmann
Michael Spanier
Malte Cornils
Jens Benecke
A Guy From Singapore who sent me $50 in Singapore dollars :-)
for a total of $300
for a grand total of $682.67!!!!!!
So, as we agreed the bulk of this is going to the Make The Wife Happy Fund
(his, not mine :-) so how much should we tie up in a REI gift-certificate
(thus assuring he will spend some of this on himself)? I was previously
thinking $50, but I'm leaning towards $100 now. And no, Ivan, you have very
little to no say in this :-)
- --
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