Re: Fwd: kde virus-like menu masher
On Thursday 04 October 2001 08:03 pm, Bob Underwood wrote:
> Hi all,
> This situation was mentioned on debian-user some time ago, but not
> answered. If this isn't the appropriate list, please let me know and I'll
> go elsewhere.
> I just did a fresh install of woody on my son's machine by using a 2.2r2 cd
> to install a base system, then apt-get upgrade then apt-get distupgrade. I
> then installed x-window-system along with icewm and eterm. So far so good.
> I then installed the kdebase packages and selected kde applications (plus
> some additional non-kde apps). The only things that show on the menu are
> packages that would be listed with a search on the packages page for
> descriptions using the search criteria "kde". Even such as Gimp, eterm,
> xterm, don't appear.
> On my machine, the kdm log-in gives a choice of default, icewm, and
> failsafe. On the new install, only default and failsafe appear.
> I'm a debian newbie (migrated from Corel Linux about a year ago) and
> haven't a clue where to begin to figure this out. Any help would be
> appreciated.
> The machine is a 450 mhz, k6 with 128 mb ram.
Actually, the menu problem isn't with kde. There's a bug in the menu
information for Xterm (the Unicode version). As root, I modified the line of
the name (placed it in quotes) and reran update-menus. Now all the Debian
menus appear.
Logan Bear
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