Schmoozing for Ivan: Final
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So, after a week of "real life" interfering (I have no idea where Ivan gets
the time to do his "thang") I finally made it to REI last night and picked up
a gift certificate for $200. I based number this on the fact that nobody
responded to my request for input, so it was obviously left up to me :-) The
rest of the money, $482.67, is going to "overhead". Bwuahahaha!! *grin* No,
it's in a check and both the certificate and the check were put in the mail
today. So Ivan, expect a suprise in about two days. For the rest of you,
thank you all very much for your support for this, it's truly been a great
experience doing this. When I explained to the lady at REI what I was doing
this for, she was quite impressed. Then she tried to sell me ski boots :-P
Well, here is the final list of contributors, in no particular order:
Jaye, Griz & Pat Inabnit
Steve Sharp
Donald Spoon
Christopher Dean
Robert Snyder
Yifang Dai
Michael Repass
Nigel Pauli
Toby Milne
Dan Plaster
David Kuntz
James Morton
Marc Branchaud
Patricia Scott
David Nielsen
Matthias Schulz
Hendrik Naumann
Andreas Trottmann
Michael Spanier
Malte Cornils
Jens Benecke
Achim Bohnet
Marc Schaefer
Debian Switzerland
Again, thanks to everyone. Remember, you don't have to spend a lot of time
doing it to make a difference. Help Ivan out! Write documentation, or
translate, or answer questions on the mailing list, or learn to code and
write the next killer app. But whatever you do, have fun doing it.....
- --
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