Euro support for Kde 2, solved!
Hi all!
First of all, thank you all the peolple from the list,
specially to Pablo de Vicente, at leats we have the euro
properly working under KDE and terminal. We have followed
the instruccions from this mail and all is working nice.
Thank you again.
We are plannig to make a document about the euro for
terminal and X's support, it will be written in XML and
DebianDoc, when we have done it we will publish in a public
domain site both in spanish and english.
Pablo de Vicente wrote:
> Javi,
> I have finally suceeded in rendering and using the ¤ (euro sign) and I
> should say that it is thanks to Hendrik Sattler, although the settings for
> German and Spanish differ in several aspects. I am using woody (Debian 3.0) +
> KDE 2.2.1 (from sid).
> These are my settings. It may be possible that some are not necessary:
> 1) /etc/locale.gen:
> es_ES ISO-8859-15
> es_ES@euro ISO-8859-15
> en_US ISO-8859-1
> Run locale-gen after modifying this file.
> 2) /etc/environment:
> LC_ALL=es_ES@euro
> LANG=es_ES.ISO-8859-15
> LANGUAGE=es_ES@euro
> LC_TYPE=es_ES@euro
> this allows that KDE aplications read tke variables on startup. The settings
> for LC_ALL and LANG must be exactly as I show them. Any other combination
> does not work. I do not know if the last two items are needed.
> 3) Install package user-es. If you run "/usr/bin/castellanizar" you will get
> a file called "/etc/language-es" which should be called by /etc/bash.bashrc
> and /etc/profile.
> /etc/language-es (some of the entries):
> LC_ALL=es_ES@euro
> export LC_ALL
> LANG=es_ES.ISO-8859-15
> export LANG
> 4) Install xfonts-100dpi-transcoded and xfonts-75dpi-transcoded
> 5) Modify in Kcontrol -> Personalización -> País e Idioma from ISO-8859-1 to
> ISO-8859-15
> 6) Some individual applications from KDE may need that you change the
> codification from ISO-8859-1 to ISO-8859-15 (like kmail or kedit)
> 7) This is NOT necessary to be changed. The entry in /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/de
> should say:
> key <AD03> { [ e, E ],
> [ EuroSign, cent ] };
> which is the default one. If you change EuroSign by currency it does NOT
> work. Here it differs from the German case.
> With these settings you will get ¤ on applications like kmail, kword,
> kedit,... but if you type Alt-Gr E on konsole you will get the circle with
> four corners in the form of X. If you copy and paste this sign from konsole
> to kmail the symbol is pasted as ¤. In kdm you cannot type ¤ because it does
> not work there, but I guess nobody needs it there :-)
> regards,
> Pablo de Vicente
> KDE spanish translation team.
> --
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