This question may offend some, but I just have to ask it.
While advocating the virtues of Linux to my wife, I convinced her to
start her term paper on AbiWord (about 2 years ago). By the third page
of her paper, everything crashed in AbiWord and it was simply incapable
of typing more than 2-3 characters without some serious display problems.
Needless to say, Linux to a serious beating that day as I was hastily
installing a complete Windows / Office installation on one of my other
Linux boxes. I didn't even bother with a dual boot option. I was in a
hurry, OK?
Under the Woody/Testing version of Debian I have Kword 1.1 (pre-beta2)
on KDE 2.1.2.
Simply put: I want to know if Koffice/Kde/Debian (testing only) is going
to be a presentable enough that I might offer it up to her again.
I'm looking for experiences with Kword and it's ability to perform on
large papers. Feature-wise, I have never managed to migrate past what
Word 4.0 offered, so I'm not looking for much. Actually nothing more
than what HTML offers would be fine as far as page layout.
What's really important is the integrity and stability of the
application and it's ability to handle large documents.
Also -- Spelling? Is it reasonably mature? I heard some bad things
about Star Office so I won't introduce her to that one.
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